Sneaking out

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The simulation rooms are packed all week long, it's a first come first serve rule. The only rule is you can die in the simulator two times before they have to change people and judging how fast people are changing rooms, I'd say I don't have much competition.

I guess I do have a huge advantage by going in the middle of the night, but even if I didn't do the previous training, which still does count in the competition.

It's funny how even though the other students were aware the results would come out this week they still didn't try to get a higher score prior to this week, which is why they're all lined up outside the simulation rooms waiting for a turn.

The only rooms I haven't gone into are the archery one and the one with the sniper which is in a separate building.

Finn still walks around cocky as ever in the past few days, giving me smug grins every once in a while, and I'm so excited to win and knock the grins off his face.

Lena and Callie both gave me knowing grins when I told them about how Finn and I made a deal pertaining to the simulation competitions and both think I'm going to win.

Finn, Charlie, and Phoenix...not so much. Although Phoenix is rooting for me he still thinks I won't win but that's alright I'm excited to show them what I got.

With Finn following me everywhere and only having about 16 hours before the results are announced, its time I get too it.

I do think I've already beaten Finn on the two simulators I've already done, and I'll have time for one more tonight and win majority.

Finn's showering now and I'm trying to formulate a plan for me to escape without him catching me.

And I have no idea what I'm going to do, I could pretend to be mad at him again, but he'd probably get on his knees and beg me to tell him what he did wrong.

So that idea's out the window.

Its not like I can go to my own room because he'll just follow me there.

The only logical thing I can do is wait for him to fall asleep and leave then.

I also need to remember to set an alarm on my phone so I can get back before he wakes up.

Finn comes out of the bathroom in a towel and sends a wink my way, a wink that goes straight between my legs.

He goes to his closest leaving the door open and giving me a great view of his butt while he changes into a pair of sweats and a shirt.

He joins me on the bed, pulling me closer to him as he runs his hands through my hair, its like he's combing it with his fingers.

Who needs a brush when you have Finns fingers?

I close my eyes and just wait, his hands eventually start to slow and I can hear the way his breathing changes as he falls asleep.

I stay there a little longer making sure he's completely out before I turn over so I'm no longer facing him. He moves around a bit and suddenly his hand is around my abdomen.

Really Finn?

Its like he knows I'm trying to leave.

He's still asleep and I wait about ten minutes before I carefully lift his arm up and slowly slide off the bed.

I gently place his arm back down but it moves around searching for something.


I grab one of the pillows and place it where I used to be, and sure enough Finn snuggles up to it and sighs in content.

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