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Lena got a call 5 minutes ago that the pizza was here, so I volunteered to go with her, which I guess also meant Finn's tagging along as well.

The pizza guys not allowed past the gates, so we had to meet him there.

I learned that none of the students at the school have cars, but we do all have access to golf carts if needed, which was new information to me.

It also made me wonder why Finn insisted on carrying me to the health center if we could have just driven a golf cart there, but whatever.

We picked up the pizza and are now on our way back to the housing building to eat and watch another movie.

I think I've watched more tv in the last week then I had in my entire life prior to being here.

We get out of the golf cart and enter the building, it's pretty vacant down here but I do see one familiar face near the desks.....Jason.

I haven't seen him since I threw him on the ground during training, so I'm not all the eager to talk to him.

We turn to go up the stairs, but his voice stops me, "Jade."

I turn around to find Jason looking straight at me, a tense look on his face.

"Hi," I mutter and try to turn back to go up the stairs, but apparently that's not in my cards for the day.

"I was just about to go speak to the headmaster, why don't you join me."

He gives me a fake smile as he motions towards the door where the headmaster's office is, and I shake my head, "I'm good, thanks."

I can feel Finn looking between me and Jason and I wonder if he's thinking the same thing as me right now.

This dude is a pushy poo head who needs to get a life.

But I doubt that's what Finns thinking.

"Are you sure Jade? We will be talking about you in there, so I thought I would ask if you wanted to be present for that discussion."

I resist the urge to roll my eyes and give him a small smile, "that's alright, you guys have fun though."

And with that I turn and run up the stairs before he has a chance to respond, waiting on the top of the second floor for Lena and Finn, who come into view not long after.

"What the hell is up with you and Jason," Lena asks confused.

I shrug as we continue up the stairs feeling Finns eyes on me, "I don't know, he seems to always have a stick up his butt though."

Lena laughs and my brows dip.

Did I say that wrong?

One of the girls at the orphanage taught me the saying and I thought I used it in the right context.

I turn to look at Finn and ask but he's got a mean scowl on his face, so I look away.

I don't want help from angry Finn.

No one says anything as we make it to the top floor of the building and into our apartment, everyone else is seated on the couch when we get there and upon seeing us, they all get up, snatch the pizza boxes out of Lena and Finns hands and run into the kitchen.

I guess they were really hungry.

Lena chases after them yelling about something and I move to follow only to find Finn's hand on my wrist as he swings me around to look at him.

"What's up with you and Jason?"

Finn looks angry but I'm not quite sure why.

I look at him confused, "umm....he's my trainer."

I thought that was pretty obvious, maybe Finn's dumb.

Finn shakes his head, "I mean personally Jade, what's going on with you and him personally?"

I shrug, "I mean nothing besides the fact that he's an asshole."

He looks relieved for a moment but pulls me even closer to him staring down at me, "promise?"

Umm why am I promising this?

Despite the questions in my head I give him a nod, "I promise.'

Finn smiles and leans down and kisses my forehead before moving past me and into the kitchen.

I freeze

Dammit, he did it again.

One day I will get him back for the constant confusion he causes my body.

I turn around and head into the kitchen as everybody, but Finn walks out. I walk over to the pizza and inspect each one of them.

"Which one do you want?"

I shrug at Finns question and continue looking at my options.

There's two types, neither of which I've had before so I just take one of each and follow Finn into the living room.

Walking into the room it looks like Callie's already chosen the next movie and I hear Finn sigh as we sit down.


Finn looks at me and shakes, "Callie always choses some sappy romance movie."

What's wrong with that?

Finn doesn't look to pleased but I smile, I like romance movies.

I mean who doesn't want to fall in love?

The movie starts playing and I start eating my pizza. Lena ordered a meat lover and a vegetable lovers, it's easy to figure out which is which but I don't know everything on it.

The meat one is great, and I finish it first, but when I take a bite of the vegetable one, I resist the urge to spit it out.

What the fuck is that?

There are these weird brown soggy things on the pizza that taste absolutely disgusting and are a little bit slimy.

I try to pick them off and take a bite, but it still tastes like the weird vegetable.

I'm about to put my plate on the table but a large piece of the meat pizza gets placed on my plate.

I look over to Finn as he takes the bitten vegetable pizza off my plate and takes a bite.

He turns back to the TV, and I smile as I start eating my second piece of meat pizza.

Finns like a grumpy teddy bear, he scowls and looks angry, but also looks like he wants to cuddle you.

As the movie continues, I realize something, I like this teddy bear, and not just as a friend.

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