Do You Have Any Pads?

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I wake up to a painful aching pain in my abdomen.

Holy fuck what is that?

I can feel the heat of Finns body behind me as I curl into myself.

How did he even get in the bed, last I remembered he feel asleep in the armchair.


A tidal wave of pain hits me and I get up from bed and into the bathroom. I lift my shirt looking over my abdomen and finding no bruises or anything out of the ordinary, I press around and no sharp pain hits just the constant dull ache.

What the fuck?

Maybe Finn was right, and I did get some internal bleeding I don't know what from though, no one got a hit on me.

Deciding its probably a good idea I go to the health center I exit the bathroom grab some clothes and bring them back to the bathroom to change.

Pulling down my pants I see blood.

What the actual bloody fuck

I run to the bathroom again, nothing but underwear on and use tissue to try to clean up the blood.

Holy fuck I got my period.

I haven't gotten a period in years, I thought I lost it forever. Tears start streaming down my face at that.

Relief, pure relief.

Who would have thought I would be happy to have cramps and bleed out of my vagina.

Me......I'm so happy.

"Umm, Jade you okay in there."

I sigh happily but my voice a little thick because I'm crying, "Yeah."

"You sure? I kinda woke up to you half naked sprinting to the bathroom."

I look through the cupboards finding nothing but tampons — I don't know how to use tampons.

I swing the bathroom door open and run into Finn giving him a hug, he looks down at me with a smile holding me to his chest, "you okay princess?"

I smile up at him, "I'm great, perfect even.....bye"

I take off running away from him, up the stairs and start knocking on Callie's door, "Callie? in there?"

The door opens to Callie rubbing her eyes, her hair in every which direction as she looks at me with tired eyes, "why are you knocking and smiling like a psychopath at 4 in the morning?"

"I got my period!"

Callie stares at me like I'm crazy while I bounce in excitement, I push past her into her room walking towards the bathroom, "do you have any pads? I don't know how to use a tampon."

"First of all, why are you so happy about a having a period they suck, second I don't have any pads."

I walk out of the bathroom and am on my way out of the room, "I haven't gotten one in years its good news, do you think Lena has any?"

Callie blocks my way to the door, "hold up, why haven't you had a period and years?"

I shrug my shoulders, "torture." I try to move past her and to Lena's room but she moves in front of me again.

"You cant just leave after saying that Jade. What do you mean torture?"

I sigh, "can we talk about this tonight when I'm not in a search to find something to stop the blood flowing out of my vagina?"

He stares at me for a moment not answering, searching my eyes for something before nodding, "Lena doesn't have any pads either."

I throw my hands up in the air exasperated, "what do I use then?"

"A tam—"

"besides a tampons."

"I don't know, you can always use toilet paper," she shrugs.

I roll my eyes, great

"Charlie and I are going on a grocery run Friday after training and I could get you some then."

"Can we go today instead, before school?"

Callie shakes her head, "no, only a select few can leave the academy whenever they want otherwise you need to get permission. Two of us go to the store every two weeks or so for necessities and groceries."

Well poop, I don't want to use a tampon.

I release a disappointed sigh, "okay."

Callie moves out of the way, "great now I expect you to spill later but for now please leave so I can get my last hours of sleep before I actually have to wake up for school."

I smile, "right sorry, sleep tight bestie."

I give her a kiss on the cheek and leave the room, leaving a shocked Callie behind.

I run downstairs to my bathroom and fold some toilet paper before placing it in my underwear and pulling it up.

I wash my hands and exit, the smile still on my face.

Finn is sitting on my bed looking very lost, "so are you gonna tell me what's up?"

"I got my period, but I have no pads and neither do the girls so now I'm using toilet paper because I cant use tampons."

He looks stunned.

Did I overshare, because I feel like I might have overshared.

"Umm is that safe?"

I shrug, "don't know I'm too happy to worry about it."

Finn just looks at me, his face slowly morphing into a smile.

"Hey, since were both up now and I don't plan to go to sleep and you follow me everywhere, do you want to bake something?"

He shakes his head with a smile but stands up from the bed, "Come on princess lets go bake something."


I start running out the room and to the kitchen, still being light on my feet.

I stop in the kitchen and look around feeling Finn come up behind me I turn to him, "I don't know how to bake really, so you kinda have to tell me what to can bake right?"

He smiles, "yes baby I can bake," his smile grows even more, "want to make chocolate chip cookies?"

"Yes, please!"

And we get to it starting to bake while still trying to be quiet.

Well I'm trying to be quiet......Finn, not so much.

I'm extremely happy, maybe a little too happy, maybe a little weirdly happy, but I don't care.

I will revel in my happiness for now and nothing can stop me, I can cry about my period later but for now I'll enjoy his smiling body next to mine as we bake cookies.

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