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I wake up to voices around me and I tense.

I keep my eyes closed.

I don't know how long has passed since I fell asleep, but I can still feel Finn underneath me, but he's stopped stroking my hair.

Which I weirdly loved since I don't really like being touched.

"Delete it, Phoenix."

The rumble of Finns voice reaches my ears and I'm intrigued.

"No way, this is pure gold and I'm going to send it to everyone."

Phoenix sounds like he's fighting laughter while Finn just sounds angry.

"I swear to god Phoenix if you don't delete it right now I will cut off your dick."

Ouch, that sounds like it hurts, I've never cut off someone's dick before, let alone seen one.

I wonder what Finn's dick looks like

Jade, what the fuck

Phoenix interrupts my thoughts with his voice, "fine, if you want to delete it so bad then I guess you should come delete it yourself."

The amusement in his tone is apparent.

"First of all, lower your fucking voice," Finn seethes. "Second, we both know I can't do that, Jade finally fell asleep and I'm not going to wake her, just delete the fucking picture Phoenix."


What picture?

"Why would I delete the one picture where you show a hint of humanity."

Phoenix's voice is a little quieter as he speaks this time and I try not to smile.

"I was asleep."

"Yeah, sure that's your excuse for cuddling up to Jade."


"I was not cuddling her, I fell asleep!" Finn takes a deep breath in and changes his tone to be a more pleading one, "please just delete the picture, if not for me then for Jade."

Why would Phoenix do it for me but not him? I almost laugh but I try not to.

"Fuck, Fine....But I'm still going to tell the rest of the crew about what I saw."

Finn sighs, "Thanks Phoenix" he pauses for a couple seconds before speaking again. "Umm, do you think you can send it to me first though."

Phoenix's laughter booms as Finn quickly shushes him, causing him to stop.

"Sorry," Phoenix whispers

"Whatever, just leave."

Phoenix laughs under his breath, and I can hear him moving until his laughter gets quieter and quieter, indicating him getting farther away.

I wonder why he did that, I also wonder what the picture was.

Finn sighs and I fell his hand going through my hair again, as I let out a content sigh.

Finn lets out a quiet chuckle but continues.

He slowly lulls me back to sleep and I welcome it.

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