Daddy Damon or Stefan?

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"So that's daddy Damon."

I look at the vampire guy she's pointing at confused, "he's a dad?"

Callie laughs, "No, that's what you call a hot person who's kind of dominative."

Ohhh okay....that's a little weird.

Callie elbows me in the side and nods to the television, "so do you think Damon is hot?"

"I like the other one."

She looks at me shocked "you like Stephan?" When I don't respond she throws her hands in the air, "But why, Damon is obviously the better brother, and he's so much hotter?"

Callie is very dramatic.

"Not that one."

"Not Stephan?"

I shake my head no, before turning back to the tv continuing to watch.

"If its not Damon or Stephan then which one?"

I stay quiet continuing to watch until the hot vampire shows on the screen "him" I nod to the screen.

"You like Klaus!!!"

So that's his name.


Callie scrunches her face up and looks at Klaus on the screen, "but why, he's like kinda psychotic"

I know that's why I like him, he's also in love with Caroline, and more of a badass.

When I don't respond Callie shrugs her shoulders, "I mean, I guess he's kinda hot, if you're into that sort of thing."

I nod my head confidently, "I am."

Callie laughs and hits me with a pillow.

"You're ridiculous."

Callie's laughter is interrupted by a door slamming downstairs, causing me to involuntarily flinch. I take my eyes of the tv and turn to Callie who looks confused.

She gets off the bed and walks to the door and I follow closely behind.

I wonder if someone's angry, Cohen would always slam door and throw things when he was angry.

Callie and I make our way down the stairs to find Finn storming into his room and a concerned Phoenix staring after him.

"What happened?" Callie asks, wide eyed.

"He got into another fight during training and was sent to the headmaster."

Callie rolls her eyes and crosses her arms, "what did he get into a fight about this time?"

Phoenix shakes his head "I don't know, but whatever it was it was bad"

I don't quite understand.

Isn't the point of training to fight......I mean this is a school for assassins so why did he get in trouble?

Phoenix walks into the kitchen and I direct my thoughts to Callie who sighs, "even though we have a lot of freedom with training here, there's still rules that you have to follow, one of them being 'no fighting out of turn' so if it's not a set sparring, with consent between both sides, it's against the rules. You're also not allowed to 'fight for the hope of death' so no fatal blows during sparring, both of which is probably why he was sent to the headmaster."

I nod and look down the hallway Finn stormed off in, "does he do this a lot?"

I would like to be aware of his violence, so I know how to act around him, in case I need to avoid it.

Callie shrugs, "not really, it only happens when someone says something to provoke him."

I wonder what needs to be said in order to provoke him.

I don't think I have to be too worried about a violent streak from him, but I will be cautious.


Lena and Charlie came home a couple hours after Finn and Phoenix.


I like that, I never thought of Cohens house or the basement as home and I was there most of my life, so why do I think of this place as home after only 24 hours.

Its probably because of Callie's welcoming attitude.

Lena's making dinner now and Finn still hasn't left his room.

The group seems to ignore the lack of his presents like it's a normal thing, but when Lena finishes making dinner Charlie disappears and comes back with a tired looking Finn close behind.

"Phoenix set the table," Lena asks as she gets out plates for everyone to use.

Phoenix disappears to the dining room as everybody lines up with their plates ready to get dinner.

There's some type of meat and potatoes with vegetable, the only thing I've ever had being the potatoes, but they weren't cooked like this.

I'm the last one in line as everyone starts making their way to their seat in the dining room, I stare at the food in confusion and think.

I wonder how many foods are out there that I haven't tried before.

I hear a grunt behind me before Finn appears and starts adding the food onto my plate, way to much food for me to eat anyway.

When he's finished, he hands the plate back to me as I stare at him in confusion, he lets out an angry grunt and turns towards the fridge.

I take that as my sign to leave and I enter the dining room, finding the same seat I was in yesterday with the seat next to it empty for Finn.

Finn comes back once again with two cans but this time he opens it for me first before placing it in front of me.

I've come to realize that Finn is very grumpy but he can also be kinda sweet sometimes.

I start digging into the food and holy shit is this stuff good. I mean I still don't know what animal this meat is from, but I will thank the world for its existence. The potatoes are creamy and really good, unlike the potatoes Cohen would serve me, that were mushy and didn't really taste like anything. The vegetable was good too, even though I don't know what its called and it looked a little funny because it's a long green stick, but I enjoyed it.

I didn't eat much though, since my body is still trying to condition itself into eating more food than before, but I really enjoyed it and relayed my enjoyment to Lena.

The amount of food left on my plate earned me a disappointed stare from Finn though, which I did not like.

After dinner we watched some sort of action movie in the living room before everyone went their separate ways to their rooms—well except Callie who followed me to mine.

"So, are you excited for your first day at school tomorrow?"

"I don't know," I shrug.

I've never been to school before, so I don't really know what to expect.

Callie stays quiet walking around my room as I sit in the armchair in the corner.

"Well, I'm sure you'll do great, we will wake up early to go get your schedule from the headmaster before going to classes."

I stay quiet, not really knowing what to say, I'm a little nervous at the thought of school, only because I don't really know what to expect.

"Okay, well I'll leave you to get some rest for your first day and I'll wake you up in the morning for breakfast."

I smile at Callie as she leaves.

Getting into some more comfortable clothes I slid under my covers and close my eyes, hoping for some good sleep.

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