No Nightmares

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"Jade wake up."

I groan and twist around, trying to change positions.

"Jade baby, it's time to wake up."

I let out another groan but slowly open my eyes, finding my face squished into Finn torso.

Hmmm he smells good, like the forest and limes.....I like it.

A throaty chuckle comes from above and I lift my head to see a smiling Finn.

I really like Finn's smile

"You need to eat."

Didn't I like, just eat?

Although I'm not hungry I don't argue, knowing I need to eat more throughout the day to have enough energy.

I sit up and start to rub the sleep from my eyes, but I still when a realization comes over me.

I slept.

I slept and I slept without having a nightmare.

I smile, "no nightmares" I mutter lowly in awe.

"What'd you say?"

I look up to see Finn looking at me in confusion and I can't help but give him a smile, "nothing."

He narrows his eyes but shakes his head standing up from the couch, "Come on, I think Lena's making spaghetti."


I love spaghetti, the girls at the orphanage cooked it a lot and it was absolutely delicious.

Finn's smile seems to grow, "you like spaghetti?"

I nod as I take his outstretched hand and stand up from the couch, not waiting for him as I walk down the hallway, just hearing his throaty laugh from behind.

Entering the kitchen everyone is there laughing amongst themselves as Lena cooks dinner, Charlie helping cut up vegetables.

Once Callie sees me, she runs over and hugs me squealing, "Jade, where on earth have you been, I feel like I haven't seen you in forever." She releases me from her hug and grabs onto my shoulders shaking me, "we've missed out on so much girl talk, not to mention falling behind on The Vampire Diaries."

I shake my head at her dramatics, but she keeps a stern look on me, "Tonight you and me are going to catch up on what we missed this week."

She looks at me expectantly, "got it?"

I smile at her, "yeah I got it."

She releases my shoulders, "good" and returns to her seat on the stool.

I shake my head at her theatrics and take the seat next to her, Finn following quietly behind.

I guess Callie forgot that we have class with one another throughout the week, but I have been MIA during the afternoons after my first day or two here.

I get hellos from the rest of my roommates and a secret smile from Phoenix, probably about the 'secret picture' in his earlier discussion with Finn, one where he thought I was asleep.

Lena finishes the dinner pretty quickly and I start to bounce with excitement.

"Well, I think we found Jades favorite food."

Phoenix interrupts my stare on the deliciousness, and I look at him confused, "what?"

He looks at me with a smile, "Spaghetti, I'm pretty sure your favorite food is spaghetti."

I do love spaghetti, but I don't know if it's my favorite.

Before I even have a chance to respond to Phoenix, Finn does it for me.

"It's not spaghetti."

Umm okay Mr. know-it-all.

Phoenix looks at him with a smirk, "and how would you know that, Finn."

"I just do."

"Okay then, what's her favorite food."

"Chocolate chip cookies."

How does he even know that?

I mean obviously I like cookies, but how did he know chocolate chip were my favorite. I've tried a lot since being here, but they are my favorite.

If they're even considered a favorite food and not a dessert. 

Phoenix looks over at me, "Is that true?"

"Yes," I respond my eyebrows furrowed as I look at Finn.

He doesn't make eye contact with me, but when I look around the room everyone's looking at Finn and me with a smirk.


Lena seems to realize they're all staring and clears her throat, "dinners ready!"

I hop off my stool and get first in line, not wanting to miss out again when I actually really like the food.

I hear Phoenix and Lena chuckling at my enthusiasm, but I ignore them and start shoveling noodles, sauce, and garlic bread onto my plate.

When I turn around to go into the dining room, I see Finn glaring at my food.

Great, were back to glaring 24/7

I ignore him and continue into the dining room sitting in my usual spot and waiting for everybody else.

Warmth travels through me at the thought I have a usual spot, but it fades pretty quickly with the realization that my 'usual spot' could be replaced easily with a blink of an eye.

Finn comes and sits down next to me once again opening and placing a can of a different drink then last time in from of me.

This one says Sprit across it, and I take a sip.

I never thought I would like something so fizzy but it's good, getting rid of my bad mood from before.

Once everyone sits down, we start to eat.

Talking about school and our recent assignments and the drama that's happened at school so far, which is really just coming from Phoenix, I think he likes to gossip.

After dinner Callie drags me up the stairs and into her room so we can watch The Vampire Diaries.

I have to admit, I did miss.....what does Callie call it?

Ohh yeah, Daddy Klaus

Callie falls asleep a couple hours in, and I locate the remote and find the button to turn it off before turning off her lights, tucking her in, and going back downstairs and into my own room.

Finns in the hallway when I get to the room, and I give him a small smile and goodnight which he gives back in response and I close my door and slide into my bed.

I close my eyes and wait for sleep to take me, hoping for another sleep of no nightmares.

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