Protect The Raisin

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I'm in so much shock right now that I'm frozen in place, unable to kelp Jade in any way, and my dick so hard I swear its going to fall off.

When Jade told me about her past, I guess I didn't comprehend how much of an extent that she was a bad ass.

I mean I've heard of Blue jay, I mean my dad's been looking for him for the last couple years when their kill count grew exponentially, but damn we all thought Blue jay was a guy.

And yet here I am standing and watching in awe as the love of my life, the sweet innocent Jade who has killed to many people to keep count now fighting and killing all these men with not even a bat of her eyelashes just an angry look on her face.

Part of me feels like I should be doing this, protecting her, taking care of her, but the other part of me is so damn proud that my baby is so strong, and my heart warms with the knowledge that she's protecting me.


She's protecting me, I don't remember the last time I felt safe and yet this women just slit the throat of a man who pointed a gun at me because I'm her raisin.

I won't tell her but I love the nickname, sure its weird and random but its such a Jade thing to nickname me that.

I feel blood spray across my back, Jade shoots the men coming from behind me as she fights off another in front of her with a small knife she took from a holster on her thigh.

Didn't even know she had that, but damn that's hot.

Her precision is perfect judging by the sound of bodies dropping behind me with every shot she takes.

My eyes are locked on her, still unable to move as she stops shooting and slashes another guy's throat. She looks over at me and I see her eyes move to the ground behind me, probably at all the bodies before moving her gaze back to mine and sending me a little shy smile, making a grin spread across my face.

She turns to another man and I'm knocked out of my trance turning around to find 6 guys dead on the ground behind me, all with a bullet wound in the middle of their heads, making me smile again.

Phoenix is watching in awe at Jade and I can't blame him, I mean that was me two seconds ago.

Lena and Callie are fighting two men on the other side of the alley, and four men are approaching from the right, but just as I start going towards them, four gun shots ring out and they all drop down to the floor a bullet in their head.

Knowing where the bullets are from, I turn around looking for any other attacker but their all dead, every last one of them.

Jade stands above two dead bodies and smiles at me, walking her way over to me as I just stand there waiting. Her smile dims a little when she notices I don't have one, but I don't think to much of it, I mean I'm a little shocked to be honest... and a little turned on but that's beside the point.

She looks behind me and the smile is a full force as I follow her gaze and find Lena and Callie both standing over the men they just killed, smiling at Jade.

Phoenix and Charlie are by my side now, both taking in the scene in front of them....that's a lot of bodies.

"Damn, remind me to never upset Jade," Charlie mutters.

I smile and I can hear Jades beautiful laughter from the other side of me.

Callie and Lena join us looking around at all the blood and bodies, the only one of us without blood on them is Jade.

"So...what are we going to do about the dead people," Charlie asks.

Jade smiles, "I got it" she pulls out her phone and starts calling someone, a content smile on her face which to any normal person would be concerning but to me I find it hot as fuck.

The person must pick up because then Jade tells them our address and the number of bodies in the alley before looking all of us over and telling whoever it was that we have no injuries, then she hangs up and smiles.

"Who was that" Callie asks.

"The clean-up crew for the school."


Lena also seems confused, "How do you know the cleanup crews number? Majority of the missions don't require them, since we clean up ourselves or don't need to because we want people to know our target is dead and find their body."

Jade just shrugs, "I don't know I went on a mission and killed people and then they sent a clean up crew. When I got my phone the headmaster gave me their number." She looks around us at all the bodies motioning to them with her hands, "and this definitely needs a cleanup crew."

Lena looks at her kind of shocked but otherwise doesn't say anything as four large vans make their way into the alley, I stiffen ready to fight some more but when the doors open and people inside start coming out I calm down recognizing them as students and teachers assistants.

Damn they got here fast.

They quickly get to cleaning the place up, grabbing dead bodies without a bat of an eye and moving them into the vans.

"Okay...well now that that's taken care of, I'm going to get another drink." Before anyone can question her, Jades opening the door to the back of the club and enters without glancing back our way. Leaving all five of us standing there and looking at a closed door.

"So are we just gonna ignore the fact they called her blue jay." No one answers and Phoenix looks at us all with his mouth open, "come on are none of you shocked that the cute cuddly Jade is the most dangerous assassin in the world?!"

I frown, how does he know that she's cuddly?

Callie smiles over her shoulder at him as one of the cleanup crew comes over holding a stack of clothes. "Thought you might not want to be covered in blood...also its protocol to remove all evidence of the event."

He starts handing us all some clothes and I inspect them quickly, needing to change and go find Jade.

"Dang it, I really liked this shirt," Phoenix says as he takes his own stack of clothes and starts stripping in the middle of the alleyway.

I shrug and start doing the same, although I do have boxers on, and we all quickly realize Phoenix does not, making everyone avert their eyes.

Once everything's on I take off towards the club with a wave at everyone behind me, and eager to see my girl again.

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