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Its been 3 weeks since Finn came back and he really hasn't left my side since.

If I though he was clingy before then I don't even know what he is now, I mean he wont even let me shower alone.

No he does not come into the shower with me, but instead he sits on the toilet by the shower forcing me to undress in the shower before I turn the shower on.

I made the mistake of trusting him to close his eyes only to find him peeking through the reflection in the mirror.

I kicked him in the balls for that and he promised he didn't see anything that bad.

I don't believe considering he's constantly trying to see me naked.

Tonight is Callie and I's movie night and we're watching Tangled, and Finn is not allowed to join, he'll try to get in but I have no problem blackmailing him.

Which would probably be with cuddles, who knew Finn liked to cuddle so much.

We're finishing up training for the day and I've started to somewhat incorporate myself into the training exercises, things I feel comfortable with but I definitely wont be sparring anybody as of now, but I have been doing some target practice stuff on the days where I'm less anxious.

Finn walks me to every class now, carrying my backpack on his shoulder with a smile on his face which creeps everyone out.

Well, everyone but me since I'm used to seeing him smile now, but not a lot of the other students are.

Once training is over and I walk over to grab my bags and Finn is already there waiting for me, but he's not smiling this time nope he's scowling.

What did I tell him.

Approaching him I swat his arm, not hard but enough to get his attention, "what did I say about scowling you raisin."

Finns smiles down at me, "sorry princess, I cant help my face."

I pat his cheek with my hand, but he looks over me and does this sort of half scowl thing.


I turn to look behind me and sure enough that look is aimed at Jason.

Rolling my eyes, I move past Finn and start walking away....and would you look who follows.

Finn places his hand in mine as we walk with one another back to the apartment

"Do you want to read when we get home?"

I look up and give him a smile, "no can do raisin I'm watching tangled with Callie."

His brows furrow, "can I come?"

I smile and shake my head, "no, its girls only."

He scowls before seeming to think for a moment, "well.....I can be a girl. I can even wear a wig, I'm pretty sure Phoenix has one."

I'm not even going to question why Phoenix has wigs, but I give Finn an apologizing look, "sorry raisin its not going to happen."

He scowls down at me, "stop calling me raisin."

"Stop being one."

We get to the apartment and Finn opens the door, "when is she taking you from me?"

I giggle at the pout on his lips and sad look in his eyes.

"I'm not taking her Finn I'm borrowing her, plus I met her first so I should have rights."

Finn swings his gaze from me to the top of the stairs where Callie is, "you have no rights she's mine."

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