Give Her Space

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I've been waiting in the living room for Jade for what feels like forever, and I'm itching with the need to see her, touch her, hell even smell her.

I unfortunately got dragged out of my room by Phoenix who is now talking to Charlie about how Jade beat me in the competition and how I lost the bet.

I'm very intrigued to see what Jade has in store for me but I think I'll like anything she puts on my body.

If she wants to put "Jade's" across my forehead I'd let her, or maybe a "property of Jade" right above my dick so she gets the picture.

That women's going to be the death of me and luckily I'd enjoy it.

I hear the sound of clicking heels causing my eyes to shoot up towards the stairs.

Holy shit

I think by the end of the night I'm definitely going to need a fresh pair of pants because my women looks like a five course meal and I am ready to eat.

Her and the girls come walking down the stairs but my eyes are only on her, red heels, black dress with a slit on the side showing off her amazingly toned legs that I'd love to have around me at this moment, a deep v neckline that shows of her perky breasts that I already know will be aching for me tonight. Her hair's up in some updo that I couldn't tell you the name of but I could tell you it makes her hotter than the sun.

I'm stuck in a trance wondering how I got this beautiful women to be mine, because that's what she is beautiful, gorgeous, kind, stunning, funny, amazing, brave, smart, magnificent...and mine.

100% MINE

Possession runs through my body as the sudden realization that were going to the club and men and women are going to look at her, and holy fuck my vision is going red, if anyone touches her they would be dead.

It wouldn't be a pretty death either

I can't tell her to change, not after they spent so much time up there and definitely not because she has a huge smile on her face and I would do nothing to even dim it a little, so if need be I will be killing many people tonight as long as her smile stays the same.

They reach the bottom of the stairs and I immediately snap out of my trance as I go over and pull her into my body for some much needed Jade time and I can feel myself relaxing at her closeness, and if I'm not mistaken I think her body does the same.

Lena's hand comes up and starts swatting me away, "Off. Off. Get off her you baboon I spent to much time on her hair and makeup for you to ruin it by rubbing yourself all over her!"

There's chuckles around the room and even some from my little Jade as I pull back and look her over again.

I shall keep her intact for now but by the end of the night she will look thoroughly fucked if I have anything to do with it.

Which I will

Jade puts her hand in mine as we make our way out of the penthouse and to the lobby of the hotel, getting into our SUV and off to the club.

My heart gets warmer whenever Jade looks at me, touches me, smiles at me and the steady rightness in my bones that this women is mine, that she's my forever feels so.....freeing.

I've never been in love before, but there's no mistaking that I'm in love with Jade, every little piece of little obsession.

The car stops and all of us pile out, Jades hand no longer in my own as we get out of the car and onto the sidewalk. Once we're all out my hand immediately reaches out and grabs Jades earning a cute little smile from her.

God this woman and her smiles, and curse them for making my dick so unbelievably hard.

We bypass the line and move straight into the club thanks to Phoenix and his dad being the head of the Russian Mafia.

Entering the club I'm on high alert, my entire body ready to knock someone out for even so much as glancing to long at Jade.

There's a gentle squeeze to my hand and I look down at Jade who has a little nervous smile on her face, "there's a lot of people here."

Lots of people? Yes there is a lot of people, we should definitely go to a place with less an old folks home where the only people hitting on her could be her grandparents...sounds perfect.

But before I can even say anything Jades being pulled away from me by Callie and Lena as they move to the bar.

I'm about to move after her but someone firmly grabs my shoulder, "calm down papa bear, you cant go chasing after her 24/7. She has to learn and go through somethings on her own without you constantly over her shoulder."

I look over at the annoying Phoenix as he points over to the girls, "plus she's in good hands dude, she can take care of herself and even if she couldn't Lena and Callie would never let anything happen to her."

I want to punch him, I want to punch him because there's a small part of me that believes that he's right. But the part of me that's completely obsessed with Jade, which is an already huge part, is already itching to have her back in my arms.

Phoenix smiles at me, "see having her away for an hour or two is not the end of the world, plus we haven't had any bro time in  a really long time and I miss my snickerdoodle."

God this stupid fucker and his thing for nicknames.

"Don't call me that Phoenix."

He smiles and hold out his pinky, "I promise to never call you that nickname again...if you stay away from Jade for two hours."


Phoenix pouts, "come on snickerdoodle I know you can do it and plus she'll be dancing and having fun. Its not like you can't do it, you just don't want to do it."

Fuck him for being right

"Fine" Phoenix smiles but I hold up my hand, "but if she looks like she's in trouble or needs help in anyway then I'm helping, nothing you can do can stop me."

Phoenix nods, "okay, but she has to actually be in trouble, you cant just go over there when her eyes dim a fraction because you know that must mean she's upset. Okay?"

"I don't do that."

He rolls his eyes, "yeah sure whatever. Now let's go get some drinks and have some fun of our own."

He pulls Charlie away from the man he's been talking to, and pushes him along with us.

I have a feeling this night is not going to be fun.

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