The Headmaster

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Sleep definitely didn't come easy to me tonight, my mind ran crazy with thoughts of the past, small memories of Cohen's methods of 'training' and the pain they caused that's still hurting me despite the fact he's dead.

I've been laying in this ridiculously soft bed for hours unable to drift away into sleep. It's completely silent but it's not comfortable, I feel like someone could come in and attack at any moment. My mind and body are ready to spring into action at any sense of danger.

The only light coming into the room is from the alarm clock on the bedside table next to me, the white light reading 2:34 in the morning. Coming to the conclusion that I won't be sleeping tonight I get out of bed and continue looking through my new room.

It really is beautiful, and Callie did an amazing job. I put all my clothes into the closet after Callie left and they only take up a very small portion of it. There's a desk in the corner and windows that are covered with drapes, drawing them back I look out. To the right there's a large field area with different sets of lines on them, I guess that's where they do some of the training.

I hope the training here is different from Cohen's.

I didn't escape a world of torture just to be placed in a different one. Although when looking at my roommates none of them had bruises or winced when they walked, so maybe things weren't the same here, or at least I can hope so.

I venture off into the connected bathroom staring at myself in the mirror, my eye's lack the sparkle I see in Callie's, the happiness and excitement that radiates off of her.

Not dwelling on it, I turn on the shower, stripping my clothes and stepping into the hot steam. The hot water is comforting, and I can't believe I get it all the time now, after being so used to cold or lukewarm showers.

After my shower I bring myself back into the room that's now lit from the moonlight, I head to the closet and dress myself in cotton shorts and a long sleeve.

Taking my copy of Wuthering Heights I flip on the lamp light and slide into bed, opening my book and beginning to read, getting lost in the world of literature.


A knock sounds on my door, I lift my head and my eye's are drawn to the window, its now light outside. I stand and make my way to the door, opening it to find a smiling Callie on the other side.

"HI, Jade."

I smile at her enthusiasm and move to the side inviting her in. she gladly strides in and heads towards my closet.

"I'm giving you a full tour of the building today and then to the health center to get your physical done," Callie informs me without looking back.

She starts looking through my clothes, pulling out a tight long sleeve and a pair of battered old jeans. She hands them to me and pushes me towards the bathroom, "come on bestie, we can get breakfast first if you hurry."

I change into the clothes and walk back into the room. Callie's standing by my bed side table, my copy of Wuthering Heights in her hand. "Is this your own copy," she asks. I give her an answering nod when she looks at me, she flips to the first page and turns it toward me, "who's Cohen?"

My blood goes cold at the mention of his name. She turns the book back towards her and inspects the page where I know the message reads in fancy cursive. 'Good job yesterday Blue, except this as gift and my thanks' accompanied by Cohen's signature at the bottom.

Callie looks at me expectantly, waiting for my answer. "Not someone worth talking about," I deadpan. Callie looks stunned by my tone of voice and places the book down on the bed side table. 

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