Panties and Phones

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Jades phone got delivered this morning and after no debate at all and my princess snuggled into my side, I texted Phoenix to go get it.

There's no way I'm leaving Jade while she's still asleep and even if she was awake, I still wouldn't want to leave her.

I could have waited for her to get up and we could have gone together but now I want it to be set up and ready for her before she wakes up.

There's an incredibly soft knock on the door before Phoenix quietly enters and tiptoes over to the bed handing me the iPhone box.

I wave my hand to dismiss him, but he doesn't move instead he stars down at Jade with stars in his eyes.

My teeth clench as he whispers a "she looks so pretty and peaceful when she sleeps."

I resist the urge to shoot my hand forward and choke him so instead I shoot daggers at him which of course he finds amusing as he quietly laughs and tiptoes back out of the room.

He's such a dumbass.

I carefully sit up, my back against the headboard, Jade still cuddled in tightly to my side, her arm draped across my stomach.

Taking the phone out of the box I start getting it set up.

I add all our roommates' numbers as well as my own and connect her to everything needed, while adding her wallpaper rather than the factory given one.

I add her contact to my own phone right before she starts stirring awake, making these cute little noises before opening her eyes.

She blinks them open looking at me with a smile, causing my own lips to tilt into one. I lean down and peck her on the lips, I don't want to push her into anything and the surprise when she kissed me first was amazing.

She snuggles in deeper into me, her face in my chest and my smile grows.

I'm very much obsessed with Jade but the way she's been with me lately makes me think she could be a little obsessed with me to.

Jade rolls away from me and off the bed, a wrongness sets in inside me and I scowl at her, "Sorry raisin I've got to shower and brush my teeth."

I frown, "can I come with you?"

She rolls her eyes and starts walking towards the door as I frown disappointed. She opens the door and turns to me seeing my face and rolling her eyes, "you can sit on the toilet," she sighs.

I jump off the bed eager, and follow her to her bathroom as she laughs, "baby, you know you can shower in my bathroom, right?"

Entering her room she grabs a new towel, "but all my stuff is in my bathroom."

I smile, "yes, but we can put all of it in my bathroom, I have the room," I rub the back of my neck, "you can also move all your stuff in my room.....if you wanted."

She stops and looks at me confused, "like you want me to move into your room?"

I give her a nervous smile, "I mean we already sleep in there anyway and I have plenty of room in my closet, I wouldn't mind."

Her eyes brows raise, "you wouldn't mind or you want me to move in?"

I sigh, "I really want you to move in."


I blink in surprise, "okay.....really?"

She smiles and enters her bathroom with me following, "yes really, we can move some of my stuff in, not all of it because I still want to have my own space sometimes but.....some of it."

Is it bad that I'm not very excited about the idea of space?

Jade gets in the shower and I sit on the toilet.

She undresses with the curtains closed and throws her clothes on the ground outside, I see her blue panties and am about to try to grab them but her voice stops me, "stop trying to steal my underwear Finn, you already took two pairs."

I roll my eyes

I did not take two pairs

I took three

"I got you a phone, I already added everything you need into it. I'll give it to you after you get out and dressed."

"Why do I need a phone?"

"So I can talk to you when we're not together and you can talk to our roommates and everything."

Its quiet for a moment behind the curtain just the sound of water hitting the floor, "I've never had a phone before, so you'll have to teach me everything."

I curse myself for not knowing that, I mean Jade is quiet about her life before the academy but you can tell she was sheltered in her past because of her lack of understanding of basic common things.

"No problem princess."

The steam in here is making it hot but it's not like I'm leaving,

The shower turns off soon enough and Jade comes out in her towel, water dripping off her skin and suddenly my dick is hard as a rock.

I follow her back into her room, but she goes into the closet and shuts the door to change while I wait.

When she comes out we go back to my room and I hand her the phone, after a quick iPhone 101 tutorial she gets it and plays around with it.

She looks a little confused at her lock screen wallpaper — a picture of us together reading in bed, and her eyes go wide when she sees her home screen wallpaper — a picture of me in nothing but a towel.

She swallows and stares at it for a moment but doesn't say anything, she goes into her messages and suddenly gets her voice back, "daddy?"

"Yes princess?"

Her mouth drops open and she sticks the phone in my face, "no Finn why is your name 'daddy' on my phone?"

I give her a small shrug and smile, "because its my name and you'll be calling me it soon enough anyway."

Her cheeks turn red as her mouth opens and closes before she looks back to the phone and away from me, "no I wont," she mutters.

"oh yes baby, you will," I smile.

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