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" mr cameron " evie greeted, as the elder man came into the island club with rose on his arm. ward smiled, having had interacted with the brunette numerous times as she was usually working the bar.

" evelyn " he replied, before sitting down at a table and looking out at the banks. " beautiful day" he hummed, as evie agreed before turning on her heel to get there usual drinks.

her converse clad feet padded softly against the marble floors as she made her way to the bar, pulling down the tennis skirt adorning her figure down slightly. evelyn worked at the club part time, but helped out at the shop occasionally. the plus side about working at the club, was jj was a busboy there.

but the uniform for the club was ridiculous, although it did make her look good. a polo shirt which tucked into her baby blue tennis skirt along with thigh high socks and a visor sat on top of her head. sometimes it made evelyn feel like she was starring in a porno, but it was good money.

evie picked up the bar flap with a huff, as she scooted past valentina, a petite columbian woman who was serving drinks to the customers. evelyn reached for the bottle of whiskey, ward cameron's usual and frowned when there was nothing left. she threw her head back dramatically, before tossing the empty bottle into the bin and made her way to the back room.

" holy shit " evie squeaked, when a hand wrapped around her arm, a scowl forming on her features when she saw john b, alongside pope, jj and kiara. evie was ready to say more, but john b's hand slapped over her mouth before she was tugged in the opposite direction.

when they finally entered the computer room, john b's hand came down from her face. " what the fuck " she questioned, looking around at the group while jj swung his key card around on his finger. " you know this counts as kidnapping, right " evie stated.

" we don't have time for this " kiara whisper yelled, while pope shook the computer mouse throwing his head back in frustration when it asked for a login. all eyes fell on evie, who immediately shook her head. " no, not until one of you explains " evie stated, crossing her arms over her chest before pope explained how the group thought they found the royal merchant.

" ok now, your password. please " john b begged. " ponyoponyo69 " evie murmured, tossing her visor down on the table, causing everyone to turn to her with deadpan looks while jj began laughing. " shut up " evie chastised, elbowing him in the ribs causing the blonde to whine and rub his side.

" coordinates, please " pope asked, while john b whipped out the bit of paper from last night. " 34, 57 , 30 north, 75, 44, 42 west " john b read out, as pope typed out the coordinates causing a map of the banks to show up. " that's the continental shelf " evie explained.

" well, if it's off the deep end, it's not gonna be much of a treasure hunt, is it ? " pope asked, looking up at john b who was practically leaning on pope's shoulder.

" guess we don't get to be the goonies today " evie sighed, while remembering what she was doing in the first place. " crap, i've got to go " evie panicked, picking her visor up from the table and placing it back on her head.

" what time do you get off " kiara asked, while evie fixed her shoe laces while balancing on one foot. " em like 10 minutes " evie explained. " ok, get you out front " kiara nodded, while evie practically sprinted out the door.


" pope, we're not stealing the drone. we are borrowing it " reassured john b, while pope sat with his arms crossed looking tense as ever. " humans are the only animal that can't tell fantasy from reality " pope panicked, looking out of the window to calm his nerves.

evie was not paying attention to the pogues, but instead to the joint she was rolling between her fingers. she picked up the grinder from beside her and grinded the weed before carefully pouring it into the skin, making sure to add the end. she rolled it between her fingers, before twisting off the end and presenting it to jj with a proud smile etched on her features.

jj took one look at the wonky joint and laughed, causing evie to fall back against the twinkie with a huff. " i mean, it's not bad " jj spoke, attempting to hide his laughter before holding it at a different angle and laughing even more. " shut up " evie grumbled.

" why are you so weird, pope ? " jj asked, causing evie to kick him with her foot and gave him a don't start look to which he raised his hands innocently, holding the squinty joint between his fingertips.

" it's fantasy, but possible reality " kie hummed. " we live on a floating rock, why does it matter? " questioned evie, shrugging her shoulders as he looked up at john b. " reality " john b answered.

" virtual reality " jj murmured, taking the lighter from evie's hand which she just pulled out from her bra in order to spark the joint, but frowned when pope snatched it from his finger tips.

" hey ! swiper no swiping. i spent a lot of time on that " evie whined, watching as pope threw it out the window.


" you got this, evie " john b smiled, watching as the brunette made her way over to her fiat500 with pope and jj in tow. the plan was to meet him and kiara at the mechanics, and distract the owner long enough for jj to steal the drone. " it's not me i'm worried about " evie replied causing kiara to laugh.


" can i help you " asked the worker, samuel the name tag read as evie twirled her hair around her finger. " hi, yes, samuel." evie spoke, reading the name from his name tag with a sickly sweet smile. " i actually have a flat tire. i was wondering if maybe you could help me out? " evie asked with a smile as samuel's eyes drifted down to her cleavage which made her cringe.

" of course " the man grinned, turning on his heel and going back to the booth to get his tools. evie looked over her shoulder to where jj, kiara, john b and pope were hiding behind a ledge, the blonde still in awe after watching the brunette undo the top buttons of her polo shirt to reveal her cleavage, and taking down her hair in order to flirt with the mechanic guy.

" it's just this back one here " evie explained, crouching down slightly while the mechanic let out a hmph noise. " probably just been sitting in the yard to long " the man replied, looking down at the wheel while evie hummed in reply. evie could see the boys and kiara sprinting across the salvage yard out of the corner of her eyes and rolled her eyes at how obvious they were being.

" got it ? " evie asked, as the man stood up, seemingly have fixed her tire which had nothing wrong with it in the first place.

" do you hear that ? " the man questioned, his head lifting up while evie could hear a dog barking. " hear what ? " evie asked, acting completely oblivious while a frown played on her soft features.

" oh, tebows got something " the mechanic announced, looking across the salvage yard which caused evie's heart to race in panic. " it's probably just a raccoon, maybe. you know? " evie shrugged, pushing a stray strand of hair behind her ear. the mechanic crouched back down, while evie subtly made her way to the other side of the car and took her earring from her ear, piercing it into the tire to create a distraction.

" what are you doing? " samuel yelled, catching evie in the act causing her to gain a sheepish smile. " this one looks a little low, to " she tried to play it off but cursed when the man took of sprinting in the other direction. " shit, shit, double shit " evie panicked, throwing her hands up in the air in frustration.

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