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" holy shit " evie gasped, shining her torch down onto the small parcel tucked neatly into the corner of the tomb.

" evie ? " jj questioned, sharing a look with pope who shrugged his shoulders before turning back to the tomb. it seemed that all the pogues expected pope to know the answer to anything, so when faced with something, pope was the first person to turn to.

" eves, you alive ? got a heartbeat and everything  " john basked, poking his head into the hole at the same time evie pushed the parcel through causing it to smash directly into his face. " ow " john b whined. " oh my god " evie snorted putting her hand over her mouth to stop herself from laughing but couldn't stop herself.

" that was a right knee slapper that " evie cackled, bent over laughing while the pogues laughed at the line across john b's face while he pouted.


" that bread had mould on it three days ago " pope stated, looking over at jj whom was making a pb and jb sandwich with the afro mentioned bread.

" i'll just through off the bad parts. plus, mould is good for you. it's just a natural organism " jj shrugged, walking back over to the group who crowded around john b who was holding the small package in his hands, labelled with for bird on top.

evie watched in amusement as jj bit into the sandwich but immediately spat it out and began gaging causing the girl to laugh. " god, i love it when pope's right " evie laughed, turning to pope who held up his hand causing her to high five it. " shut up " jj grumbled.

john b ripped open the package and took out a large piece of paper and began to unfold it revealing a map.

" x marks the spot " pope pointed out. " longitude, latitude " evie continued, using her fingers to trace them.

" wait, theres something else in there " john b spoke, pulling out a tape recorder. evie looked up and shared a look with kiara, who looked baffled to say the least.

" what's that ? " jj asked breaking the peaceful aura they had going on. " it's a tape recorder, dumbass "

" dear bird " began the voice of big john causing evie's jaw to drop. " no way " she mumbled.

" who's bird " jj asked, turning to evie knowing she would know the asnwer. " it's  what big john used to call john b " she explained, casuing jj to nod.

" i hate to say i told you so, but i told you so.and you doubted your old man.i suspect at this moment your filled with guilt and self loathing of our last gifht, but don't kill yourself just yet,kid"

" i didn't expect to find the royal merchent either " evie looked down at john b with her eyes widened, and leaned down, wrapping her arms around his neck and leaning her head on his shoulders knowing it must have been hard to listen to.

" you were probably right to call me out. wasn't exactly father of the decade. what can i say, kid ? i could smell the barn. and hoepfully we're listening to this in our brand new sugarshack down in costa rica living off passive investments and pulling on permits. if not, and you find this for less optimal reasons. well, that's what the maps for. there she is, the wreck of the merchant"
john b put his hand onto her arm while she put her head in the crook of his neck, letting him know she was there.

" if something happens to me, finish what i started. and john b, keep a hold of evie. she's a good one. evelyn, take care of my boy. go for the gold, kids. i love you, bird, even if i didn't always act like it. i'll see you two on the other side "

" holy shit, he did it " cheered jj, while evie watched john b stand up and go outside the chateau. evie didn't think twice before following after the boy, and wrapping her arms around his sobbing figure. his tired shoulders slumped down, as he leaned into evie while she soothingly rubbed his back.


" what are you going to do with your 80 mil, eves ? " pope asked glandcing up at the girl who was lying with her head in kiara's lap. evie sat up, resting on her elbows as she thought for a moment.

" buy a chihuaha" evie answered, looking over at john b while a smile played on his face, having heard this a million times before.

" chihuaha's are mean " pope chastied, glancing over at the brunette just intime to see her scowl in his direction." I hope it bites you " evie murmured, tilting her head back slightly when kiara began to braid her head.

" im going to get one with a big ass forehead- kinda like jj's " evie continued, causing jj's jaw to drop, his hand going straight up to his forehead.
" you bitch ! " he gasped, measuring his forehead with his fingers to see it was indeed a fivehead.

" and i'm going to call it baluga ! " she finished, a proud smile etched on her features while kiara giggled, tying off the one braid she done in the girls hair.

" okay, that's going to cost you what, like 1 grand ? what about the rest e ? " pope questioned causing the girl to go deep in thought.

" make a pogue hall of fame " she smiled while the group nodded in agreement, the thought causing memories to resurface.

" remember when jj broke his nose so evie stuck a tampon up it and it got stuck ? " pope asked, everyone falling into laughter.

" or when evie broke her arm ice skating " john b snorted.  " i was 10 " evie scoffed, but ended up smiling anyways.

" i know what i'm going to do " jj spoke up, while evie turned to him to listen, kiara tying off the last braid.

" i'm gonna get a big as house on figure and go full kook " jj announced causing a smile to play on evie's face.

" god, could you imagine jj with money " she laughed. " i can just imagine the koi pond, and the marble statue of himself and a weed plant " evie listed while the group all chuckled, knowing she was spot on.

" that's exactly what im going to do " jj nodded, while john b raised his beer can in the air. " to going full kook! " he cheered.

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