Chapter 1: The Bad Boy talks to me.

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This is my first official book. All rights are reserved.

Emma's P.O.V

I wake up to a ray of sunshine peeking through my curtains. I glance at my alarm clock which reads 6:30 am. I pull the covers over my head groaning at how early it is. One thing I really hate, is having to get up early in the morning. I lay in bed for a few more seconds before I finally pull the covers off, walking over to my light purple bathroom. I look into the mirror to see something that looks like me but worse; my reflection.

My curly blonde hair is a mess. It looks like birds were nesting in it all night and moved out this morning. My eyes look tired and on my cheeks are imprints of little lines, which were probably from pillow creases; obviously the result of bad sleeping. I take a quick shower before combing my tangled blonde hair out. I pull it back into a pony tail as the weather report said it would be a little chilly and foggy today. Having your hair down in that kind of weather causes frizz and feels very sticky when you touch it. I wasn't a huge fan of my appearance, sure I didn't have pimples or body issues but that didn't mean I didn't have insecurities. The only thing I've always loved about myself were my blue eyes. They were just like my mom's. My long lashes were what made them stand out even more.

I pull my big navy blue hoodie sweater over myself pairing them with black skinny jeans and my ankle boots. I pull the hoodie over my head before I pick up my backpack and sling it over my shoulders. I look over to the time which read 7:10 am. My parents weren't up yet, they usually got up at 8:00 and left before 9:00. We owned a business called Chambers Corporation; in short, CC. They worked hard everyday. They come home between the hours of 12 and 2 in the morning so I rarely get to see them. I grab my phone and tuck it away in my pocket before running down the stairs. I lean on the kitchen island as my brother munches his cereal.

"Hello, big bro!" I smile at him as I grab an apple from the fruit bowl.

"Hey, little sis! Why are you in a rush?" Jordan asks me before shoving another spoonful of cereal into his mouth.

"I don't want to be late!" I say, taking a bite out of the apple.

"I can give you a ride, if you'd like?" He offers. "It's only a 15 minute drive from my job and I have to be in at work early. Might as well give you a lift.

"Okay, that's fine." I accept casually. He finishes his cereal, getting up, dumping the bowl into the sink, and grabbing his car keys.


Jordan pulls up to the entrance of the school. I unbuckle my seat belt, grabbing my backpack which was in the back seat.

"Thanks for giving me a ride, Jordan." I thank him, climbing out of his car.

"No problem-o, little sis!" He smiles, waving me goodbye.

I close his car door and smile waving goodbye as he drives off. I stare at the entrance of Springfield High School; just another day at school as a Junior. I walk towards the double doors leading me into the building. A few people stare at me, causing me to cringe, but turn away a second later. No one really pays attention to me and I like it that way. I am not good with attention anyway. I continue my way to my locker to get my English books. I don't see my best friends, Alex or Stacy around so I make my way to English class.

The bell rings the minute I walk into class. I set my things down on the first seat right in front of the teacher. It was my seat. I don't like sitting in the back. It is too noisy and filled with the kids who were always talking, play fighting or sleeping. The middle section were just filled with the kids who didn't mind learning but they didn't pay much attention either. The front of the class were the kids who were concerned about their education and intended to pass this class, like me.

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