Chapter 16: There's a New Bad-Ass in School!

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Emma's P.O.V

'Today is going to be such a great day!' I think to myself as I yawn. I jump out of bed rushing to the bathroom to take my warm shower. After doing my usual morning routine, I decide to put on a bit of make-up, just for Ryder's sake. I didn't want to be a plain girlfriend he'd get tired of, so I decide to put on basic eyeliner and mascara to make my blue eyes pop. I try a shade of light pink eye shadow. I smile as I finish my masterpiece, who knew I was so good at doing make-up?

I grab my backpack and rush out of my bedroom. I rush back into my room to collect my phone. After collecting my phone and shoving it in my pocket, I walk out the front door when suddenly my phone rings. 'I Would' by One Direction starts to play, yeah I know, I'm also a huge One Direction Fan! What do you think me and Stacy are best friends for? I pull my phone out to see who's calling, I couldn't help but smile when I see Ryder's name pop up. I click the answer button.

     "Hey!" I sing, smiling although I know he couldn't see me.

     "Hey, are you leaving your house now?" He asks.

     "Yeah, I am... Right now."

     "Stay right there, I'll come pick you up!"

     "Oh, Ryder, you don't... Have to do that..." I trail off.

     "No, I want to. I want to be with my hot girlfriend! I also want to show you off and make all the guys jealous." I hear him say through the phone. Aww, he wants to show me off and he called me hot.

  Wait... I'm not good with attention. And he was one of the popular guys!

     "Uh... Ok!" I agree because I didn't want to disappoint Ryder. In less than 8 minutes Ryder reaches with his Black Camaro. He opens the passenger door for me, such a gentlemen. When we arrive at school, Ryder holds my hand after we get out of the car. Most of the boys are looking at me and the girls are very surprised. Their gaze follows our every move.

Ryder's P.O.V

I grab Emma's hand after we get out of my car. I entwine my fingers into hers. I look around to try and spot Manning. I don't see him around but I do notice some girls looking at Emma with envy and some with surprised looks. Most of the boys are looking at Emma like they are looking at her for the first time. Well I can't blame them, before she was practically invisible. Now she is with one of the most popular boys in Springfield High School.

I give some of my boys nods and fist bump them as we walk along. I stop to talk to Joey, one of my best buds. Emma seems uncomfortable standing with me around them so we don't chat long.

     "So, which class do you have first?" I ask her.

     "Um... I think Biology with Justin..." She answers, thinking if she's right. Ugh... Justin had class with my girl first. I notice Justin walking this way with Crystal? What was she doing here? Isn't she supposed to be in Georgia? What was she doing in Florida?

     "Speaking of the Devil... There he is now!" I point out, trying to hide my frown. Emma turns to see Justin as he catches his attention on us. He smiles weakly as he heads over here with Crystal at his side.

     "Oh, hey..." Justin says, frowning a bit.

     "Oh my gosh! Ryder!! I didn't know you went to this school!" Crystal squeals and jumps to hug me. I glance over to Emma who seems to be a bit confused.

     "Umm, Do you guys know each other...?" Emma asks. Crystal releases me from her hug and looks over to Emma.

     "Uh, I think I should be asking you that." Crystal states, pursing her lips. Emma looks at her not knowing what to say. This was a perfect way to bring out our relationship in front of Justin.

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