Chapter 10: Dreams can come true...

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Emma's P.O.V   

 (Saturday Morning)

I reach for the last two pancakes that sat on the plate. I pour syrup on it and devour it like a beast. I was really hungry since I missed dinner last night. Mom wanted to know everything about Ryder, it wasn't much but she wanted to plan my date with him. She wanted my first date to be perfect, the dress,the shoes, make-up, and accessories. Eventually, we ended up talking about school and how things were going, I didn't mention to her about ditching detention. She didn't need to know that now and I was surprised the school didn't call to inform her about it. We talked until 12:00 last night about every little detail, by the time I wanted to eat, it was already late and I was sleepy.

I turn my head to see my mom walking down the stairs rubbing her eyes.

     "Did you sleep properly last night? You look terrible!" I say. My mom and I could tell each other anything, we were like best friends. I know mother and daughter being best friends seem lame but she was cool for a mom. She understood me well, she had the same taste as me and same style but a bit more grown up. She wasn't like one of those parents who tried to dress like their teenage daughter. She was like an older me or I was a little her.

     "No..." She drawls out. "We talked all night, last night! And plus am I supposed to look like barbie when I wake up?!" She raises an eyebrow. We both burst out laughing.

     "So, who made these pancakes? I came down to see them just sitting here..." I ask once we calmed down from our laughing fit. She shrugs her shoulders in an 'I don't know' way.

     "I don't know... Maybe your dad or your brother?" She replies, unsure.

     "I can understand dad making pancakes but Jordan? Really?" I gently chuckle. As I finish my last word, Jordan walks into the house closing the door behind him.

     "Speak of the devil and he appears!" My mom whispers, chuckling.

     "Hey, who ate all my pancakes?!" He asks, confused. His eyes land on me as I hold my fork with a bit of pancake left on it. I quickly shove it into my mouth.

     "I doun't knauow?" I say, with my mouth full. He comes over and stands in front of me grinning.

     "I know, it was you!" He smiles, poking my cheeks full of the pieces of pancakes. I chew and swallow.

     "So, were you jogging?" I ask him, changing the subject. It was Jordan's thing to jog in the morning, it keeps him fit. He was quite muscular. He had straight blonde hair which was growing a bit shaggy and covering his bright blue eyes. He had a lot of girls falling for him but he wasn't a player like Justin.

     "Since when do you make pancakes?" I heard my mom ask, interrupting my question.

     "Okay, ladies, first question, the answer is yes I was! You should have already known that!" I scoff at him. "Second question, yes because I learned how to! What's wrong with me making pancakes though?" He asks, jokingly.

     "There's nothing wrong!" My mom and I say in unison. "But who taught you?" We both ask at the same time again.

     "Someone..." He answers, grinning. My mom and I shoot each other confused looks before turning to face Jordan again.

     "Who is this someone?" My mom asks, smiling. I nod along with her. Jordan laughs.

     "Just someone I met and that is all ladies!" He announces before going up to his room. We shrug at his answer before going about our day.

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