Chapter 18: Am I falling for her?

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Previously on TBBM: Emma and Ryder finish the model for Biology class. Justin thinks that he needs some time away from Emma and decides to go to that one person he should have never drifted away from.


Justin's P.O.V

I was standing in front of her house, thinking if I should ring the doorbell or even talk to her. I've been standing in her driveway kicking pebbles, pacing back and forth. I haven't spoke to her properly in years and here I am going to her about some girl I might or might not have feelings for. I was so confused as to what to do.

I decided to walk up the steps to the porch. I rang the doorbell once, wondering how she'll react when she sees me at her for again. I ignored her most of the time and I really wish I didn't, we used to be so close. I've done so many stupid things who knows if she'll want to be my friend again. No one opened the door, so I rang the bell a second time.

No answer, maybe no one's home. I guess, I should go then since no one is answering. As I was about to walk off the porch, the door opened giving a slight creak.

     "Justin?" She called. I turned to face her.

     "Melinda." I said, giving her a weak smile.

     "What are you doing here? I mean, do you need something?" Her voice was soft.

     "Actually, I wanted to talk, and I figured you were the best person available." I answered.

     "Of course!" She smiled and let me in. I took a seat, taking in this house, I didn't pay much attention to it last time I came here. Everything is all the same, the couch position not one thing had changed except the curtains and wall paint. It was now a light blue as to where it used to be a beige color.

     "So where is uncle Richard?And aunt Jane?" I questioned her. Uncle Richard also known as Principal Garcia, but you already knew that.

     "Dad had a meeting with some parents at his school. Mom is out grocery shopping. Would you like something to drink or eat?" She asked, signaling towards the kitchen. I nodded no.

     "You know, you still haven't changed, the same baby soft skin, the gorgeous brown eyes and your soft pink lips." I said, smiling. I didn't get a chance to give her a compliment last time. She blushed a light pink.

     "You changed...I mean in a good way though..." She finished.

     "Melinda, you don't have to say that, I know, I changed into a bad guy but I'm still the guy you were once friends with." I know I was getting all mushy and emotional but I haven't spoke to her in years. She just nodded.

     "What made you come back again? I thought last time would be the last when you said, you don't like me the same way." She asked.

     "What?" I asked, dumbfounded.

     "What made you suddenly think of me today?" She asked again, trailing off.

     "I realized, It was wrong to shut you off from my life completely." I admitted honestly. I honestly missed her as a friend. Whenever I missed her, I'd shove that feeling away because I thought I was better off without her. I guess I was wrong.

You're all probably thinking why the sudden change of heart. I've always felt this way, it just took me long enough to realize it.

     "Oh..." Was all she said.

     "Well, I want to be friends again." I managed to say. She looked at me with a hurtful look in her eye.

     "You sure? You're not going to ditch me again, right?" she forces a laugh.

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