Chapter 12: Wait! What?!

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Emma's P.O.V

I sit in my room thinking about Justin's sudden strange behavior. He just took off after we were having a good laugh in the kitchen. The bad boy does make a good friend. I had never seen his nice side or at least his human side. Who knew under all that muscle and that disgusting mind of his, he could actually be a nice guy?!

It'd been really strange how he came this morning just to do homework. Something really didn't seem right but I guess, I must've been rubbing off on him. It's good; he's finally thinking about homework. I still didn't tell Alex and Stacy about Ryder, but I had a strong feeling Alex probably told her after his conversation with Ryder.  My parents had already left for work, so it was up to me to make breakfast. I hear the front door slam; no one else was in the house besides me and Jordan but I'm sure he is in his room. He was quite happy when Justin left.

I open my door to catch a glimpse of two shadows move quickly into my brother's room. My eyes freeze on my brother's door, did we have spirits in our house now? What was that thing? Is someone in the house? Are we getting robbed?! It slipped into Jordan's room so quickly. Why did they go into Jordan's room? I'd go in there but I was too afraid to move. I lock the door immediately, but what will happen to Jordan? Panic takes me over.

I can't go in there by myself, if it is a demon, it'll kill me or possess me? If it's a robber, I'll surely be kidnapped and tortured. Maybe I can call someone to help?! I reach for my phone to dial Stacy's number when Ryder's name pop up. I answer to hear him say hey.

     "Hey, I was about to make a call..." I reply.

     "Oh... Sorry! Should I call back later?"

     "Uh, no... Since you already called... Can I ask you something?"

     "Sure. What is it?"

     "Can you come over to my house? I need your help with something? I don't think I can do it alone!" I respond, quickly. A moment of silence falls over.

     "Um... Emma? You know you're still young! We don't have to do it! Don't put-" I realize what he's talking about and cut him off.

     "Ewww! Ryder, I wasn't thinking like that! I meant to say help me. There is something or someone in my house!"

     "Emma! Are you sure?!"

     "Yeah, it looked like two people. It moved so fast! Can you just come over, I'm scared."

     "Okay, I'll be right over!"

     "Okay!" It was five minutes when I hear the doorbell ring downstairs. I quickly open my door and rush downstairs. I wonder where Jordan was? Ryder rushes in with a baseball bat.

     "Okay! Where's the thief? Are you okay?!" I gently chuckle at his way of defense. He gives me a puzzled look.

     "What's so funny?" He continues.

     "Um... Nothing..."

     "So, I don't see anyone!" He drops his hands.

     "I think they are still in Jordan's room! I think it's a ghost!"

     "Okay..." Ryder gives me a confused face as I shrug. We walk up the steps, trying not to make any noise although a few creaks were here and there. As we approach Jordan's room, I lightly tap Ryder's shoulder; he turns to face me mouthing the word 'what?'

     "Be careful! They might possess you!" I whisper.

He opens the door to a butt naked Jordan and a naked girl, shrieking, trying to cover her breasts. Jordan gives me a stern look right before Ryder immediately closes the door again.

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