Chapter 38: I Love you!

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Previously on TBBM: Ryder gets a call from John saying he has Emma in his captivity. Emma's friends and family are worried since her disappearance. Ryder teams up with them to go rescue her.


Justin's P.O.V

I walked around the building checking into windows and doors. There weren't as much security here as I had expected. I walked to turn when I spotted a guard walking out the door. In his hand he held a gun and he was followed by another guy who was laughing, probably to some joke they cracked. I cautiously watched them as they stopped and started talking about something.

  How can I ambush them? There's two of them...

  Who cares? I'm here for Emma and I'd do anything for her. Come on Justin!  

I shaked my thoughts away. I sneaked up quietly behind the two guards. I tapped one of them on the shoulder and smiled before I kicked the guns out of their hands. It's a good thing I learned Martial Arts and took up boxing when I was little. I drop kicked both of them which caused them to hunch over in pain. I finally uppercut them and they layed unconcious on the floor.

I took out my phone and texted Stacy, telling her it was safe to meet me infront of the building. In less than three minutes, they had met up with me.

     "Whoa! Did you knock out these guys?" Stacy asked approaching me with everyone behind her.

     "Show off!" I heard Ryder mutter under his breath. I paid no attention to him. I just nodded to Stacy.

     "Wait! Mr and Mrs.Chambers, this could be dangerous are you sure you want to come along? Stacy you too!  Maybe just us guys should go?" I suggested cautiously.

     "No! My baby is in there! She needs me!" Mrs.Chambers cried trying to be brave.

      "Exactly, and she's also my best friend!" Stacy said.

     "You guys could get hurt! Maybe you two should wait in the car! You can't be breaking down, we have a plan to get her back. Don't worry... Mr.Chambers, maybe you should stay to comfort them!" Ryder said suddenly.

I nodded along with him. They nodded their heads in understanding as Mr.Chambers guided them both back to the car. Alex, Ryder and I proceeded to rescue Emma. I lead them through the building making sure the coast was clear. Ryder helped me knock out two more guards as they approached. He blew on his knuckles to make it seem like that was a piece of cake for him. I scoffed in response.

Alex knew how to fight, to my surprise because he wasn't ever in a fight. I never seen him fight, so to see him knock out three guys all on his own surprised the hell out of me. Finally after knocking out all the guards (Which was about 12!) ,We saw a staircase leading downstairs.

We walked down slowly as the pipes dripped water. I was leading the line because I wanted to be the first to see Emma. I saw two guys sitting, drinking what seemed to be coffee. Both of them were very tall, one muscular and one who seemed to be around our age. I waved the boys forward. I didn't see Emma anywhere yet, but I did see a dimly lit room in the corner.

The tall muscular guy stood up as a pipe near us let out steam. His eyes were alert before he paid no mind to it and stalked his way over to another small room, I assumed it was a bathroom. Now was our chance. Alex springed forward and held the guy still drinking coffee in a head lock. It wasn't 30 seconds before Alex got one of his pressure points and he collapsed. We dragged him and tied his hands and body to a pipe, leaving him in a sitting position.

     "Zack, When is the boss going to get here?" The muscular guy asked Zack, who was unconcious, as he pulled his fly up. He set his eyes on us before yelling out, "Hey! Who are you kids? What are you doing here?"

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