Chapter 32: Realizing!

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Previously on TBBM: Crystal tells Justin that she knows. She claims that Justin is in love with Emma but Justin just thinks she's crazy. Justin goes to meet Jason and Jacob after finding out Josh is in the hospital. After returning from the hospital; Justin has a fight with his father. The next day he goes to pick Emma up.


Emma's P.O.V

Today was kinda weird and nice all at the same time. Justin had been nice to me since the day started which I'm grateful for. Right now I had English and I was trying my best to avoid Ryder's glares. I tried paying attention to what the teacher was saying but I couldn't help but to feel his eyes burning holes in my back.

Jenny was sitting next to him, smiling and giggling like a hyena. She had her arm wrapped around his sending me smirks and grins. I quickly looked away before Ryder saw me.

     "So today, We're doing things a little different then usual. It's nearly the end of the school year and you'll be doing a project on one person, you've become really close to. This person you have to write you're first impression about them and how they really turned out to be. I'll call out your name one by one and you pick that person! Understood?" Mrs.Patterson, our English teacher, said. Nods and yeahs' were heard throughout the class.

Another Project? I didn't really have anyone in this class that I got close to except Ryder and I really didn't want to chose him as my partner. Not after all that happened was I going to let him get close to me again. On the outside, I was tough but on the inside, I was a dried out river. I was never going to forget this. So many dreams and expectations, just shattered!

     "Ryder, Choose your partner.." Mrs.Patterson's voice brought my attention back to the class. I bet he was probably going to pick a new toy whose emotions he can play with and get away with it. I looked at him as Jenny desperately tugged at his shirt whispering to him to pick her.

     "I choose E-" As Ryder was about to pick the person he got to know, the classroom door flung open to reveal a smirking Justin. His eyes landed on me as he made his way to the seat next to mine. He politely asked the girl who was sitting there if he can sit there, to my surprise the girl batted her lashes and got up smiling. Justin sent her a smile and quietly sat down.

     "Um, Mr.Manning would you please explain to me what you are doing in my class?" Mrs.Patterson asked.

     "Oh that's easy! I'm here to see Emma." He smirked looking at me. Mrs.Patterson placed her hands on her hips giving him a stern look.

     "Mr.Manning, You're not in my class? Go to your class right now?" Mrs.Patterson ordered.

     "Mrs.Patterson, Mr.Bylukie knows I'm here...He actually sent me here. See the thing is, he kicked me out of his class so Mr.Garcia sent me to your class. So what are we doing?" Justin asked like nothing was wrong.

     "Well if Mr.Garcia sent you here, then it's fine. We're doing a partner essay on a person you got to know really well this year. Since you're the guest for today, I'll let you go ahead and pick first." Mrs.Patterson smiled. Wow that was the first time Mrs.Patterson had ever smiled. I was amazed and weirded out by how this day was going.

     "I choose Emma!" He smirked looking at me. Mrs.Patterson nodded and wrote our names down.

     "But Mrs.Patterson, I was supposed to choose my partner! Plus he's not even in this class! How does he get to choose?" Ryder interrupted Mrs.Patterson.

     "Mr.Sanders, Mr.Manning is a guest. We treat guests with respect no matter how they are." Was my eyes decieving me? Had some alien come and abducted the real Mrs.Patterson and took her form? The real one was never this nice? I pinched myself to check if I was dreaming; Justin gave me a confused look.

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