Chapter 9: The surprise!

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Emma P.O.V continues

I love the wind slapping against my face although I'd never been on a bike before. The ride was really fun. I enjoyed it a lot until Justin stops the bike. I didn't want it to end. I squint my eyes to see where we were. It had probably been an hour since we left the school. It was really dark and all I could see were the flashing lights of the other vehicles. He takes my helmet off. Ahh, the bad boy being a gentlemen? That's a first.

     "I'm a gentlemen all the time! But don't think of me as soft!" He answers, smirking.

   Geez, did I say that out loud?

I look at him trying to figure out if he can read minds. What I am thinking now? He didn't respond. Okay, so he can't read minds. He takes off his helmet and places both of the helmets on the handle of his bike.

He takes my hand which I didn't like because I had a date coming up with Ryder. There goes the tingles. I break my hand away from his as I shrug it away. He turns around confused but smirks and just keeps walking. I follow him until a bridge comes into view.

     "Woww... That's so beautiful!" I exclaim, taking it all in.

It was a small port bridge, but from the bridge you could see small tiny ships and boats in the distance. What made it so beautiful were the lights all over the place. The boats, the deck, and the moon glistening on the water. Justin realizes I stopped and walks back and pulls me towards it. I didn't mind his hand in mine because I stood stunned by the sights.

We stop at the end of the bridge. Justin leaves my hand making me feel an unknown sort of emptiness. He sits down and pats the seat next to his hinting me to sit down. I sit down next to him, letting my feet dangle over the bridge. I didn't know he was going to take me here, I thought he was going to drive me to a forest and leave me there. You never know? I shake the thought off as I see him smiling at the lights surrounding us. I lightly tap his shoulder, making him turn to face me.

     "What?" He questions, looking at me with a puzzled look on his face.

     "You actually smiled!" I answer, smiling.

      "Yeah, so?" He asks, again.

     "I never seen you smile like that, I mean I've seen you smile but just not the way you were just smiling. Your smile was real- um actually innocent." I say, trailing off. He probably didn't like my answer because he stopped smiling. I saw a hint of pain in his eyes. He looks out to the water watching the ships sail by before he places a smirk on his face once again turning to face me.

     "Really? My smile is innocent, you pay attention to my smiles! Emma Chambers, you do like me!' Justin teases, laughing. I roll my eyes.

     "You wish, Justin Manning!" I tease back.

I didn't mind his teasing because I was having a good time, probably one I haven't had in a while since my aunt had died. My aunt Sarah was one of my favorite aunts, She always understood me, I could tell that woman anything. Since she died, I just wasn't the same anymore. I didn't think her death could have such a bad effect on my daily life. She was so funny, it was great being around her. Justin's snapping fingers in front of my face brought me back to reality.

     "You know, when you zone out, you look funny because you just stare at the air smiling!" He chuckles. I smile at his words.

     "No, I don't!" I laugh, smacking him on the arm playfully.

     "Do you always hit people? Or is it just me?" He raises his eyebrows, smirking. It took me until now to realize what Justin was wearing. He looks really hot.

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