Chapter 25: A night with the bad boy! Part 1

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Previously on TBBM: Ryder, Emma, Alex, and Stacy go to the dance. The next school morning, Emma misses school and chips a tooth landing her in the dentist office. She is high on laughing gas and has no idea what's happening around her. A group of boys walk up to her and starts messing with her. Justin leaps in and beats all of them telling Emma to get on his bike.


Justin's P.O.V

     "What were you doing there?" I asked her. She was still laughing and giggling as we drove to my house.

     "I was just walking..." she giggled.

     "How many gas did they give you? It looks like they overdosed you!" I gently laughed.

     "I don't know!" Giggle. "The doctor just said to relax when he is ready to take out the tooth. Then he attached this machine and covered my mouth and I was breathing this funny gas!" She giggled again.

     "Oh, well, since your parents aren't home, I'll just take you to my house? Is that okay?" I asked.

     "I don't know you!" She chuckled. I scoffed as we pulled into my driveway. I guided her off the bike and lead her inside. I texted the guys real quick to cancel the party, we were going to have that night.

My dad decided to go on his business trip to Australia, leaving the house to myself. He took mom also because sometimes mom supported him in his meetings. She also went to business school, so she knew a lot of things. Jason had the plan of throwing a party and I agreed since I had no plans but since Emma is here, I'd have to take care of her. Who knows how long this will take? I walked inside the living room to see Emma on the couch, eyes closed shut.

How can someone doze off so fast?

A text came back, I looked down to read it.

  Um, Why are we cancelling? I already sent a text to everyone! They're expecting a party! -JW

I typed back.

  Something came up! Just send a text to everyone and tell them it's off! -JM

I clicked send.

  Here's an idea, why don't I have the party at my house instead? -JW

When it came to parties, Jason never opted out of one. I know this for a fact. He's well known for the partying type.

  That's an idea! Sure... So it's still at 7:00 tonight? -JM

I clicked send again.

  Yeah! -JW

Was the reply. I tucked my phone away in my back pockets of my jeans. I was glad Crystal wasn't home. She decided to go have a girls day with her friends.  I didn't think she'd make any friends since she's be staying here for a month or so. She'd be pissed if she saw Emma here. I looked over to Emma.

     "Emma?" I tried calling.

     "Hmm..." She swatted her arms trying to shoo me away.

     "You can't sleep on the couch... Go up to the room..." I whispered.

     "Nuh, uh... Hmmm!" She swatted away, her eyes still closed. I chuckled at her behavior. This girl was really stubborn.

     "You'll sleep better there..." I suggested. She gave one last swat and turned, her back now facing me. She just isn't going to listen, is she?

I placed my right arm under her body a bit below her waist. After that I placed my left hand under her neck. Once I had those in place, I gently lifted her bridal style and braced her head up against my chest. I walked up the stairs to my room and placed her on the bed. I pulled the covers over her as she snuggled into it.

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