Chapter 13: You look Nice!

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Emma's P.O.V

My eyes flutter open due to the sun penetrating through my white curtains. I yawn and turn to the face the alarm clock, 7:15. My eyes close for a second before it shoots open.

     "Ahhh!" I scream.

I am going to be late! How did I wake up so late? I had set the alarm for 6:30am. How did it not ring? I rush into the bathroom to brush my teeth. After putting toothpaste on my brush, I strip my clothes and jump into the shower. Maybe I can multitask, I brush my teeth while I take a shower. It was a bit difficult considering I had to wash my body and brush my teeth at the same time. After ten minutes I jump out covering myself with a towel and rush into my room to pick out my outfit.

Usually, I'll take probably 30 minutes to get dressed, I take 15 minute showers, ten minutes to choose my outfit because I like to match. I'd take about 5 minutes to do my hair, then I'd leave. School starts at 7:45am and It was now 7:22.

I grab a white Chiffon tied-hem sleeveless blouse and my coral colored side zipped shorts since the weather report said bright and sunny. I look for my big Hoodie sweater which I normally wear even if it is hot but I couldn't find it so I throw on my stripe coral and gray cardigan. It was the first thing I saw. I wasn't one to dress up for school but today I was in a rush and those were the first things I saw in my closet.

I walk over to the mirror where I see my long curly blonde tangled hair. I glide my brush over it as it becomes untangled instantly. I look over to the clock which read 7:35! OMG, I'm gonna be late! I didn't have time to pull my hair back into a pony tail like I usually do, so I leave it dangling over my shoulder. I slip on my high-top canvas sneakers really fast before I pick up my bag which was sitting on my computer desk and rush out the house like a mad person. I run down the porch steps and speed walk all the way to school since Jordan had to go to work early today.

When I finally reach the school, I am breathless and inhaling as much air as I can, I probably looked like I was wheezing because a lot of people were staring at me with shocked faces. Oh my gosh! Do I have something on my face? 

I wasn't used to this much attention, the only attention I get, are from my friends. I touch my face as I see people whispering and making side comments. I keep my eyes plastered to the ground so I wouldn't see people talking about me. I hurry up to reach my locker.

My friends bump into me putting away my books in my locker. I look at them confused as they stand there with their mouth open. What was up with everyone today?

     "Emma? What happened to you?" Stacy and Alex asks, in unison with their mouth hanging open. I take my hand and close both of their mouths shut.

     "Stacy? Alex? Why is your mouth hanging open?" I ask back, continuing to pack my books.

     "Emma? Did you check yourself in the mirror this morning?" Stacy asks.

     "Yes! Of course I do, every morning, Duh!" I reply.

     "You look smoking hot right now, Emma! If you weren't my best friend, I'd be totally banging you!" Alex says, smiling.

     "Ewww! Alex, you know I don't like to talk about those things, it's disgusting. You're my guy best friend." I screech.

     "Sorry, sorry! But seriously, You started dressing normal now!" He goes on. I give him a puzzled look. I always dress normal.

     "Hey! What do you mean? I dress normal!" I slap him on his arm.

     "She's starting to get violent." Stacy points out.

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