Chapter 20: Hey...

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Previously on TBBM: Emma arrives at the party with Ryder, Alex and Stacy. Justin brings Crystal along for the party where she finds out that it's Emma who Justin has feelings for. Justin goes to the bathroom for a bit. When he comes back, he finds out that Emma's in the pool, drowning. And no ones helping her!


Justin P.O.V Continues...

Why wasn't anyone helping her? Ryder wasn't doing anything besides panicking and yelling Emma's name. I knew, he knew how to swim, yet he wasn't saving her.

     "Why aren't you guys doing anything?!" I yelled before taking off my jacket and jumping into the pool, swimming to Emma.

She was sinking to the bottom. Her eyes nearly closing. I grabbed her hand and pulled her body to mine as I swam to the top. I swam to the corner of the pool, pushing Emma on top to lay on the tiles, while I pull myself out.

As I climbed out of the pool, I saw crystal smirking. So, this was her idea! When I'm done, she's gonna be in trouble. Ryder rushed to Emma's side.

     "Emma!" Ryder panicked, crouching down by her side. Her eyes were closed now.

     "Stay back!" I shouted, blocking him out with my arm.

     "She's my girlfriend!" Ryder growled.

     "You didn't seem to remember that when she was drowning!" I said, angrily.

     "I didn't know what to do!" He said.

     "Well, here's an idea! Let me help her!" I grunted. He stepped back a bit. He didn't want to argue while Emma's in this condition. "She needs CPR! Back up people!!" I screamed.

I set my mouth to hers as I breathed into it. I pinched her nose, while I did this.

     "Come on, Emma! Come on!" I whispered. I saw Crystal frown from the corner of my eye.

I did two minutes of CPR before Emma coughed up some water. Her blue eyes met mine as I stared to see if she was okay.

     "Justin?" She softly spoke.

     "Yeah!" I whispered, tucking a lose strand behind her ear.

     "What are you doing?" She asked quietly, before fainting.

     "What just happen?!" Ryder spoke up coming closer. Stacy and Alex came out rushing to me.

     "What happened to Emma?!" Concern in their voice.

     "She almost drowned, She just fainted now! Probably from her near death experience!" I shot a glare at Crystal and Ryder before turning back to Emma. "She'll be okay! Jared, do you have a room where I can put her?" I asked Jared, who was hovering over me.

He nodded and told me slurring his words. Alex and Stacy nodded. I think, they were hoping she'd be okay, I could tell by their facial expressions.

I picked up Emma carrying her bridal style while her head rested against my chest.

     "Where are you taking her!" Ryder asked, holding me back.

     "Upstairs! She needs to rest!" I spoke, annoyance in my voice.

     "Why are you taking her? I should do that!" He spoke again.

     "When she was drowning, you didn't help her! It's best if you just stay away for now! When she wakes up, she'll have a lot of questions for you!" I smirked. He nodded and stayed back looking down. Feeling guilty, huh? I saw Stacy and Alex walk over to Ryder, asking him a few questions about what happened.

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