Chapter 21: I Need You!

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(A/N) Warning Might have Mild to high adult content!


Previously on TBBM: Ryder takes Emma to the party which Justin is also invited. Crystal pushes her in the Pool, Emma doesn't know how to swim. Justin saves her. Emma is thinking about her relationship with Ryder. Justin comes and sleeps over at Emma's.


Emma's P.O.V

My phone was blaring, '24/7' by Big Time Rush; I groan as I reach to grab it. I heard someone else groan.

     "Turn it off!! I got a headache!!" I heard the person groan again. Did I do something last night? I looked over the bed to see Justin. Events came flooding into my head from last night. Justin came here last night to talk. And he eventually ended up sleeping over. He groaned again. I remember the phone is still ringing and snatch it from my night stand.

     "Hello!" I answered, not bothering to look at the caller ID.

     "Hey, Emma! Are you awake?!" Stacy blasted my ears. I groan from her chirpy attitude.


  How can someone be so happy in the morning?

     "Are you okay? Since what happened last night?"

     "I'm fine, just tired, but please tell me, why you're calling at..." I glance at the clock. "8:00 in the morning on a Sunday?!"

     "I have to tell you something!" She squealed. I held the phone an inch away from my ear, still being able to hear her clearly.

     "Couldn't it wait?!"

     "No! Now get off your lazy butt and meet me in front of your house! I'll be there in 20 to pick you up." She finished and hung up.

I groaned and flopped back down on my bed. All I wanted to do right now is go back to sleep but knowing Stacy's going to be here in 20 minutes, I might as well get up now. I try to be quiet as possible, I didn't want to disturb Justin since he looks totally adorable when he's sleeping. I walk into my bathroom, stripping my clothes and heading into the shower.

After my ten minute shower, I wrapped my self in a light blue towel and walk to my closet. Someone cleared their throat before I turned to face a Justin. He was holding his head like he was in pain. He looked quite hot with his bed head.

Snap out of it Emma!

     "Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't think you would be awake?" I said, quietly.

     "Yeah... I woke up after you left to go shower. Do you have something for headaches? Because I have a massive one right now!" He smiled. No, it wasn't a smirk, it was a smile. A real smile, a genuine smile. I liked him smiling like this. It was a good look. He looked cute.

Wait! Emma, you have boyfriend! What are you doing?

  I don't know, I just feel different when I'm around him.

Do you like Justin Manning, Emma?


Yeah you do!

What? No I don't! I like Ryder.

Have you guys kissed yet? No! You like Justin!!

I don't! Shut up, brain!

Justin snapped me out of my argument with my conscience.

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