Chapter 39: I don't wanna lose you!

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Previously on TBBM: Emma gets kidnapped and tied up in a damp basement. Ryder comes to know John had her kidnapped and informs Justin, Stacy, Alex and her parents. Justin takes along Alex and Ryder to rescue Emma leaving her parents and Stacy in the car. When the boys fight off the guards and get Emma untied, John appears and takes Emma back. While trying to get away, Emma ends up getting shot.


Emma's P.O.V

My eyes were slowly getting heavier and blurrier. Justin was shaking my head gently to keep me awake, except I couldn't hear the words he was saying.  I saw two faces lean over me, Ryder and Alex, then their voices which were fading. They seem to be talking or fighting, I couldn't tell. The last thing I saw were flashing lights and something very white and bright. I was going to heaven.

Justin's P.O.V 

I held her as Ryder and Alex appeared. The color on their faces drained as their eyes made its' way to Emma. I was waiting for the ambulance to come.

     "What happened?" Ryder's voice spoke up. My head shot up; this had all happened because of him, again. My anger rose within and I directed it at him.

     "What do you think happened? She got shot and it's all because of you! Again! Why do you always do this? And to me? Why do you involve the people I care about?! Why can't you just leave me alone for once?!" I yelled at him.

He seemed taken back by my outburst and his gaze dropped.

     "I don't mean to..." He quietly said. Was this his excuse? I scoffed at him in disgust.

     "She's gonna be okay!" Alex spoke up.

     "I hope so... because if something happens, I'm going to kill you Ryder!" I spoke up.

     "Why do you always blame me? I don't intend to get them hurt! I made a mistake with your sister, get over it! It was nearly 5 years ago! It's not like I'm the one who took the gun and shot her or took the knife and lacerated Susan's throat? Stop accusing me Justin, because I'm not going to stand here and take your stupid insults any longer!" He yelled. That's when he got me even angrier.

     "What do you mean it's not your fault?! You were the one who got into this drug dealing business! You're the one who decided to deceive John's trust twice! Twice! Not once but twice! Instead of giving John the money last time, you decided to pull a gun, sure it worked to kill the six guards, but look what happened last time! Susan got killed because of your stupidity! And now look at Emma, whose fighting for her life right now," I looked at Emma, whose eyes were nearly closing. "It is all YOUR fault!"

Ryder opened his mouth to say something but the flashing lights of the ambulance interrupted him.

The paramedics came with the gurney and lifted Emma from the ground onto it before wheeling it into the ambulance. I told Alex to tell the cops everything, ignoring Ryder's presence.

I climbed into the ambulance with her as she laid on the gurney, blood covering her abdomen. The paramedics were putting pressure on her gun wound as I looked at her face. Her eyes were closed and wires were being hooked up to her. A breathing mask was placed over her nose and mouth to keep her conscious. They checked her blood pressure and pulse, which was deteriorating every three minutes.

I held her hand which was getting colder. I rubbed my fingers over hers to keep it warm. The paramedics looked at me before they started asking questions.

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