Chapter 6: Eavesdropping isn't a good thing.

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Justin's P.O.V

 I stroll down the hall to the office, pissed at myself but mostly pissed at that fucking teacher. It isn't a new thing for me to be sent to the principal's office. Infact it is more of a routine, seeing how much trouble I can get into. I open the door to see Mr. Garcia typing away on his computer. He looks up from his typing and frowns.

     "Justin, there is something called knocking." Mr. Garcia says, sighing.

     "I didn't see a sign." I shrug my shoulders. "And you don't look that busy."

     "Give me a few minutes, please. Can you take a seat on the bench outside in the meantime?"

I shrug as I close the door and plant myself on the bench. A brunette with a short skirt and a tank top walks by batting her eyelashes at me. She sways her hips as she walks, revealing her pink underwear underneath. She looks over her shoulders, smiling at me. I smirk at her attempt to flirt with me. Most girls would just do anything to get my attention. Although, that was very arousing to watch.

As I am about to get up and go after that girl, I spot Emma making her way over to me. She sits herself down on the bench, just a few inches apart from me. I stare at her in disbelief. What is she doing here? She isn't planning on pitying me, is she? I don't need or want anyone's sympathy, especially hers. I hope she didn't think anything of me simply saying bye to her in Biology. And I sure didn't want anyone getting close to me because no matter how hard they try, it'll always be a dead end.

I don't see the point. There's no point in trying when you know you're going to be devastated in the end. I notice the look on her face. Is that nervousness? She begins to fiddle with her fingers. I scoff at her. She turns away, looking down. I can't help but to keep staring at her; trying to figure out what she was doing here. I decide to ask her but I'm not sure what response I'm going to get. I decide against it anyway.

     "What are you doing here? This isn't a place on your radar. And I hope it isn't because you feel bad for me because I don't need anyone's sympathy." I say, getting annoyed with her presence. "So, you better not be here to say anything. Shouldn't you be getting back to class or something? Doesn't that twat of a teacher expect you in class?"

Her face falls in shame and it seems like I hurt her feelings. I notice a tear slips by and she quickly wipes it away.

I think back to that man. He really pissed me off. I just hate the way he is happy almost all the time. I can't help but to smile to myself. It was fun watching his smile fade from his face.

Emma turns to face me, gathering my attention. Her face filled with pure innocence makes me not want to stop staring. Her bright blue eyes glistens as her luscious lips talk but I can't hear the words coming out of her mouth. I realize I had zoned out when I hear her voice clearly again.

     "...and that's how I ended up here.." She says, trailing off. I look at her with confusion. I didn't hear anything she said except for those last words.

     "Um. Can you repea–" Mr. Garcia walks out of his office, cutting me off.

     "Mr. Manning!" He calls. He frowns even more when he lays his eyes on me again. It was more of a fed up look and I can't blame him. It's probably because he sees me more then 5 times a week. I tag along behind him as we both head into his office. I sit down on one of the leather chairs giving an uneasy farting sound as I slide into it.

     "Mr. Manning, What did you do this time?" He asks, clicking a few buttons on his computer. Probably pulling up my file.

     "It's no big deal. Nothing to worry about too much. I just yelled at a teacher." I say, shrugging my shoulders. He slaps his hand on his forehead giving me the hint that he is tired of hearing bad news about me.

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