Chapter 26: A night with the Bad boy! Part 2

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Previously on TBBM: Justin rescues Emma and brings her to his house. She sleeps away on his couch. He takes her up to his room so she can rest better. When she awakes, she asks him to join him for the party, Jason is hosting. He agrees and gives her an outfit waiting for her up in his room.


Emma's P.O.V

I gave him confused looks as I made my way up the stairs. What does he mean, I'd have an outfit waiting for me.

   Did he give me one of his mom's dresses?                                            

I made my way towards his bedroom. I opened the door slightly afraid that something might pop out and give me a heart attack. To my surprise, nothing did. Instead I saw a beautiful black dotted skater dress with mesh shoulders. I simply loved it. I rushed over to it embracing its' design.

   Does this dress look a bit familiar to the one I had gotten... Or am I just delusional?

I looked beside the dress to find a black suede look high top sneakers with the strap.

   Hey I was planning to get one like this... This is the perfect size for me...

   How did he know?

I called Justin to ask him if I can get a towel so I can shower.

Once I finished my short shower, I got dressed. I just applied a little bit of lip gloss and walked downstairs.

Justin turned to face me once he realized I was in the room. His eyes slightly bulged out a bit at me.

   What? Do I have something on my face?

He scanned my body as I walked up to him. He looked directly at me.

     "What? Do I have something on my face? Why are you staring at me like that?" I spoke my mind.

     "" Justin stuttered. I chuckled slightly at his state.

     "What?" I tilted my head to the side.

     "Um... It's just that you look beautiful!" He blurted out. I couldn't help but to blush at his words. I saw a light tint of pink arrive at his cheeks.

   Aww...Was the bad boy blushing?

     "Thanks!" I smiled.

     "Shall we go?" He asked.

    "We shall!" I laughed.

We walked outside to Justin's bike.

     "Are we taking your bike?" I suddenly asked.

     "Well, what else are we going to take? I don't have a car... And I didn't know you would be coming to the party."

     "I'm okay with it!" I honestly replied. The last time I rode on his bike was when he drove me to the docks. I loved the wind in my hair last time and right now, I had my hair down.

     "Hop on!" He said snapping me out of my daze. I followed him and hopped onto the bike, loosely gripping onto his torso after he hooked on the helmet onto me. "Hold on tightly! He chuckled.

I gripped his torso a little bit tighter being able to feel his muscles now. I felt when he gently laughed by the vibration on his body.

    Or was it just his bike...?

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