Chapter 4: I see you looking at me!

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Emma's P.O.V

     "What are you doing home? I thought you were working a double shift?" I ask my brother as he continues to stand there before he reaches for an apple from the fruit bowl.

     "I was supposed to but Trevor came and told me he'll handle it since there weren't many customers. So, I came home early." He replies, biting into the apple.

     "Oh... You should have called me at least and picked me up! I had to walk home today." I say, playfully hitting him on the arm. He keeps his stance.

     "Yeah, I see who you were walking home with- Justin Manning, that douche bag from your school. You do know he's bad news, right?" He responds, pointing and moving his hands all over the place. I think he was trying to get his ideas across. My eyes are still focused on the apple in his hand as he waves his hand around. How does he know Justin Manning?

     "I know, Jordan. I'm not naive and I wasn't walking with him. He caught up to me and started talking.... That's not a path I want to go down. I don't even like the guy, I'm just tolerating him." I reply. My brother's mood softens and he drops the overprotective role.

     "My pal Marvin knows him, I get the dets. And I know baby sister," He hugs me. "But, be careful. Justin Manning has a reputation going around, I don't like you hanging around him." He speaks.  

     "I'll be careful. Don't worry!" I assure him.

     "Okay, good. I have to go call Toby. He said something about a party this weekend. I'll be in my room if you need anything. I think mom cooked spaghetti! It's on the stove." He yells while going up stairs.


I eat my dinner and finish my homework before I take a long refreshing shower. I walk down stairs and sit on the couch flipping through channels. I look at my phone, 8:55 pm. Stacy nor Alex texted me today. I shrug as I face the TV screen again. Suddenly, I hear keys jingle from outside. My mom appears in the doorway as the door opens. I sit there, surprised to see my parents home early today.

     "Hey, sweetheart!" She says, cheerfully. Now, she can call me sweetheart. I smile at her.

     "Hey, mom!" I respond. She closes the door behind her as she walks over to the couch and slouches on it.

     "Hard day at work today?" I ask, genuinely curious.

     "Yes, I had a lot of papers to file along with the meetings. It's been hectic. By the way, what are you doing up at this time? Aren't you supposed to be in bed by 8:30? I thought that was your bedtime. You're breaking your own bedtime rule?" She questions.

     "Eh, it's no big deal, half an hour late to bed isn't gonna hurt me." We both laugh at my response. I genuinely love spending the time I have with my parents. I love laughing at the littlest things with them, they work hard to get me what I have, and I am glad to have them around.

     "Okay, your father is parking the car. He'll be in soon." She replies, yawning.


     "Well, I'm heading to bed. Don't stay up too late. You got school in the morning!" She says, getting up from the couch and walking towards the staircase.

My dad walks in a minute later, getting startled by my presence.

     "Hey, Princess! What are you doing up so late?" He asks, taking off his shoes.

     "Eh! I'm just watching TV." I reply. He looks at me with a surprised look. "Don't worry! I know, bedtime, 8:30pm. Don't remind me, I already told mom."

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