Chapter 7: Detention with the Bad Boy!

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Emma's P.O.V

I stare at him in disbelief and anger. Did he hear what Mr. Garcia and I were talking about in there? He looks at me in shock as if I've found out his biggest secret.

     "What were you doing just now?" I speak, walking out and letting the door close behind me.

     "I was trying to get a signal on my phone." He replies, pulling out his phone. "Nope, no signal here either."

He shoves his phone back in his pocket and begins walking away. I run up to him and pull him back by the shoulder.

     "I know you are lying. You didn't have your phone out before. I know you were eavesdropping." I snap. His eyes reflects anger in them. I slowly take my hand off his shoulder.

     "I don't eavesdrop. I could care less about your life!" He snaps back.

What is his problem? He grunts and begins to walk away again. I stand there puzzled and irritated at him for a few seconds before walking back to biology to collect my things. Kimmy runs up to me out of breath, looking like she had just run a mile. Kimmy used to be a close friend of mine freshmen year.

She was what people would consider a geek. She wasn't. However, that image changed when her braces came off and her wardrobe was upgraded. Her mother landed a new job which paid a lot more than her previous job, meaning she could spend how much she wants when she wants. After gaining some confidence, she was soon accepted by the "popular kids" and most of the boys fell head over heels for her. We had drifted apart, our worlds were two different places now, although we did talk from time to time.

     "Hey, Emma." She says in between breaths. "I just heard from some girls that you ended up punching Jenny!" I sigh at her words. I feel bad for doing such a thing and knowing I caused someone pain but another part of me feels happy that I got to punch the snot out of Jenny. That sounds gross. However, it makes me feel more confident that I was able to stand up for myself.

     "Yeah. I did." I reply, smiling.

She squeals with excitement. I am confused. Jenny is her friend and she is happy that she got punched? Am I seeing right? I rub my eyes making sure that I am not dreaming or being delusional. I think she notices my confusion because she smiles.

      "You're probably wondering why I'm excited to hear that Jenny got punched since she's my friend, right?" She implies. I nod. How did she know I was thinking that? Did she read my mind or am I that easy to read?

     "Yes. You are easy to read." She answers. Did I say that last part out loud? "And let me explain first. You see Jenny can be a bitch sometimes. She isn't all pretty and perfect like everyone thinks she is. She is just another insecure girl just like you. She just hides hers from everyone." 

Gee thanks for that compliment. Note the sarcasm. I grimace.

      "Sorry. Just saying.." She notices my expression.

I nod along to everything she is saying. Kimmy is a major gossip queen for as long as I've known her, even when she was a "geek." Unlike most girls though, I know that she wouldn't hurt anyone intentionally. She wasn't like that.

     "Wow. I didn't know-" She slaps her hands on my mouth as she shushes me. I notice Jenny walking to the the nurses' office with bloody tissues over her nose and mouth. Did I punch her that hard? It looks like her nose is turning black and blue. Kimmy takes her hand off my mouth after they are gone.

     "Um... Happy to see Ms. Popular in pain?" Kimmy asks. I hadn't notice I was smiling. Really? I guess I was easy to read. I smile at her.

     "Yep..." I answer, truthfully.

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