Chapter 19: Ahhh!!

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Previous on TBBM: Emma is surprised by Ryder in her room. Finding out that Ryder is just there to invite her to Jared, one of the popular kid's, party; Emma decides to go after Ryder convinces her. Later on in the night Justin receives a call from Jared, inviting him to the party also. Justin agrees.


Emma's P.O.V

It was Saturday morning and I was busy munching on my cereal to notice that Stacy had snuck up on me.

     "Boo!" Stacy screamed, causing me to jump out of my stool. She started laughing. She clenched her stomach to prevent herself bursting from the laughter. I gave her a death glare, grabbing my heart still pounding from the scare she just gave me.

     "What are you trying to do? Kill me?" I said bluntly, giving her an angry look.

     "We wouldn't want that now? Do we? Plus, I don't want to kill Ryder's girlfriend? He'll want to kill me?" She teased, rolling her eyes.

     "So why?"

     "I haven't seen my best friend in about a while. It's the best I could come up with!" She said, hugging me.

     "That's how you greet me? By scaring me?" I send her a glare. She smiles, batting her eyes.

     "Well, your boyfriend enjoys taking you away from us. It leaves no time for you to hang with us... Unless you left us on purpose?" She stated with her hands on her hips.

     "I'm sorry, I was just out with Ryder... I just never had the time? I'm sorry!" I said, pulling out the puppy eyes. Her mood softened. One thing about Stacy is you can easily win her over with puppy eyes.

     "Well, I forgive you! I can't stay mad at you! But I still can't believe you and Ryder are going out! I'm so happy for you!" She squealed.

     "Thanks!" I blushed, thinking about Ryder.

     "And it's so cool, he invited us to Jared's Party! It's going to be so much fun! And you finally agree to go to a party." She smiled.

     "Hey! I go to parties!" I say.

     "Seriously, Emma! Whenever we'd ask you, you'd always say no and stay at home watching Twilight and root for Team Jacob!" She said, giving me an 'I know you' look.

     "I don't watch Twilight all the time, and Team Jacob is awesome!" I smiled. She just gave me a glare before going to the fridge.

     "Ohh, Mac and Cheese!" She said, happily pulling out the bowl of Mac and Cheese.

     "Are you eating Mac and Cheese in the morning?" I questioned before putting another spoonful of cereal in my mouth.

     "Yeah! I don't care if it's a dinner or lunch food. Why should we care what time we eat it at? If I wanna eat Mac and Cheese, I'll eat it, I don't care what time it is?" She ranted.

     "Oh, okay!" I surrendered, putting my hands up. She gave me a slight smile before shoving the bowl into the microwave to heat it up.

     "Haey, Wheire's Alesx?" I asked with my mouth full. Stacy looked up at me.

     "I don't know, I texted him a while ago telling him to meet us at your house! Maybe, I should text him to see where he is?" She pulled out her phone gliding her fingers swiftly across the touch screen.

     "Okay!" I said, finishing my cereal. I jumped off the stool and placed my bowl in the sink. "Well, did you guys bring your outfits for the party tonight. It starts at 8:00 but Ryder wants to go at 9:00! Something about fashionably late and not wanting to be the first ones there." I finished.

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