Chapter 23: It's A Mystery!

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Previously on TBBM: Emma and Ryder go back to normal. Jason talks to Emma. Ryder and Emma have a picnic. Alex asks Emma to help on the dance committee. Stacy convinces her to say yes since Stacy likes Alex and he invited them both.


Justin's P.O.V

I was walking through the hallway after Math class ended. All the girls were staring at me with lust in their eyes. I winked at a few which caused them to go crazy and some may have fainted or blushed.

I walked towards the old abandoned music room. It's where I escape everything. Even teachers can't find me here because it's abandoned and well, they're all either scared or too coward.

I continue to walk when I hear laughing, more specifically, Emma's laughter. I back up a bit to see one of the doors on this side was slightly open.

I knew this part of the school. I painted my masterpiece here. I thought I was the only one who came here? I gently push the door allowing it to open more. The door slowly revealed Emma and Ryder laughing. Her face was red from the laughter.

Ryder looked content with himself. Their backs were turn to me. They were both seated on a blanket with a small picnic basket. Beside the basket, there was a bottle of apple cider. I looked around more. There was something on the wall. It was colorful, I looked over their shoulders to see what was on the wall. I gritted my teeth as I saw what was written on it.

I'm sure this is Ryder's work. Uncle Richard made me clean off my masterpiece for this? How come, he gave this space to Ryder just like that? And so fast? I guess, I'll just have to pay him a visit! I stomped off to the principal's office.


     "What you mean?" I yelled.

     "I mean that you never asked."

     "I have to ask! Since when do I need people's permission to do things I wanna do."

     "Since laws were created but you never seem to follow!"

     "Of course, I don't! I don't need to follow any shitty rules!"

     "Well, in my school, you do!"

     "Uncle Richard! You just gave it to him like that?"

     "He asked me politely."

     "Bullshit! You know, it's because of his grades and the status he's getting for this school. Of course, you're going to let him do whatever he wants!" I shouted.

     "Justin!" Uncle Richard's voice boomed. "This is not any of your business! Now I suggest you go home, the school day is over."

     "I don't care! And I'm sorry to tell you this, Uncle Richard, but I don't take orders from anyone; thank you very much." I said, angrily. I grab my backpack and head out the door.


°Friday Morning°

Emma's P.O.V

Today was finally Friday. I was smiling as I made my way to my locker. A note fell on my foot as I opened it. I bended over and picked it up. I opened it reading:

  -Stay away from Ryder! -M

What, who sent this? Who's M? I thought of all the people in my class; no one in my class's name started with M. Maybe it was someone from the school. But why would they be warning me against Ryder? Maybe they were jealous. I crumpled the note and threw it in the trash.

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