Chapter 27: A night with the bad boy! Part 3

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(A/N) First of All, I'd like to make a shout out to Live_LoveLaugh because she made an amzing cover for the book! :) Check it out to the side ------->

Thanks you for all the support and I love reading your comments. It helps make my writing better! Can you believe the book made it from 3,000 to over 8,000 people in just 5 days! I'm impressed and keep the votes coming! Now Back to the book!


Previously on TBBM: Justin takes Emma to the party. Emma takes a red cup from a guy telling her it's a new brand of soda. She gets crazy and drunk and attempts to dive into the pool. Justin pulls her back and places her on the bike to go home.


Justin's P.O.V

I shut the engine off as I parked my motorcycle in my garage. Emma climbed off giggling and hiccuping. I took my helmet off, placing it on the handles. After securing my bike, I looked up to see Emma gone.

   Where could she have gone again? Damn, this girl was fast!                                        

I saw the light from the kitchen peaking through the door into the garage at the top of the stairs. I ran upstairs to see a huge mess in the kitchen but no sign of Emma.

     "Emma!" I called out. No answer.

I walked into the living room seeing the pillows all over the place. Still no sign of Emma.

     "Emma, where are you?!" I bellowed throughout the house.

I ran upstairs checking my mom and dad's room first.

   How could I have lost her?                                       

I started panicking now, pacing around the house looking for her. I ran into the bathroom panting, out of breath.

     "Come on,  where are you?" I whispered to myself. I exited the bathroom, trying to think where'd she'd be.

   My room?

I ran into my room. I looked around, not seeing her anywhere. I looked in my bathroom, hoping she'd be there.

   How can a teenage girl disappear so fast?

I was just about to exit my room when I heard it. A sound. Then a giggle.

   Maybe, I'm just imagining?

Then I heard it again. Someone was strumming it. I followed the sound to my closet.

  Has she found it?

I opened the closet to face a startled Emma. I looked down to what was in her hand. I didn't want her to find that.

     "Hey, what are you doing with that?" I grabbed it out of her hand. She flinched at my tone and quietly stood up.

     "Um...I just found it?" She responded, hiccup.

     "What are you doing here?"

     "I..just...I was...only.." She stuttered. "Mr.waffles told me to come here!" She blurted out.

   Who the fuck was Mr.Waffles, now? 

     "Who is Mr.Waffles?" I spoke my mind.

     " friend? He's a flying horsie!" She giggled.

     "A flying Horse? What the-"

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