Chapter 31: He's just a Jealous Ex!

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Previously on TBBM: Emma calls over Justin to tell her everything he knows about Ryder. Justin comes over telling Emma about Ryders' drug dealing and cheating. While telling her how he knows all this about Ryder, he ends up telling her about his past about his sister and the cause of the hatred between him and Ryder.


Emma's P.O.V

I sat on my bed after Justin left. Was this the reason why he hated Ryder so much? How could Ryder put his sister at stake? It was like I didn't even know who Ryder was anymore... Which means everything we shared were just lies, everything he said were not true. I believed him and I was stupid to do so.

Ryder didn't even like me, why else would he cheat? He didn't even trust me with his secrets.

Why was I so stupid to like him? Why did I believe him? He's just a cheater, nothing else. I felt like a used dish rag. I don't want anything to do with Ryder anymore! Every emotion I had held in while Justin was telling me about Ryder's past came bursting out.

Tears started pouring from my eyes. I screamed into my pillow out of frustration and anger. I was glad my parents weren't home to see me break down like this. For the past week, they didn't seem to be in my life at all. I was too busy spending time with Ryder, whose memories were just painful for me. I don't know when I drifted into deep slumber after crying my eyes out.

Justin's P.O.V

I walked into my house seeing Crystal on the couch watching tv. I sat down on the smaller couch besides her.

     "Oh, hey!" She simply smiled, her eyes still fixed on the tv.

     "Hey...What you watching?" I asked.

     "Just watching The Fosters..." She replied.

     "Oh..." I trailed off.

     "So, where were you?" She asked, still fascinated by the show she was watching.

     "By a friends'."

     "You were at Emmas' weren't you?"

     "Yeah I was... But don't make a big deal out of it, okay?" I slightly warned her.

     "It's okay... I have no problem with you liking her."

     "I don't like her!' I denied even though I know I slightly did like Emma.

     "Justin, no need to lie... I've seen the way you look at her... Even after Jenny tried to insult her at the party, you stood up and defended Emma...The only person who can't see how much you love her is you and her..." Crystal stated.

     "How do you know that Jenny tried to insult her and I defended Emma at the party?"

     "I'm friends with Jenny... She told me along with some other secrets you've kept from me..." Crystal trailed off.

     "Of course she'd tell you and what other secrets?"

     "I think you know what you did with her... But it's okay. I just decided I won't get upset with you anymore. I'm letting us go..."

What us was she talking about? Crystal and I were never a "Us." I decided not to press on it and let her continue.

     "You obviously love someone else, so it wouldn't have worked out at all.... Well, anyway enough talk about that! Did you tell her how you feel...?" Crystal asked.

     "Okay Crystal, First of all, you're fucking crazy!" I laughed. "Second of all, I don't love Emma!"

     "Sure... Keep telling your self that!" She laughed.

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