Chapter 22: Secrets will be out!

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Previously On TBBM: Justin wakes up in Emma's Room after the party. Justin flirts with her in the kitchen. Jenna and Justin had their intimate moment. Justin visits his friends and cancels the plan. Wonder if he's getting whipped? Nahh!


Emma's P.O.V

The first half of the week went by good. Ryder and I were back to normal although at times he seemed uneasy. Ryder is around me almost all the time; he was making sure Justin didn't talk to me or I didn't talk to him. Justin has been avoiding me since I told him about the condition Ryder placed on me. He didn't pay any mind when we saw each other in the hallway and neither did I.

But when he was with other girls, the inside of me would burn a bit. It couldn't be jealousy, right? I don't like Justin. It's probably all an illusion. It was good to be away from feelings I didn't quite understand.

Besides, Ryder had been doing these little sweet gestures like getting me roses and chocolate. He even went and bought a dress for me. It was really pretty. The dance was coming up and it was a really sweet gesture.

I walked to my locker shoving my history books in there. I pulled out my Math books as I had Math, next class. I was about to close my locker when two arms wrapped around my waist from behind. Reminded me of a certain incident that happened on Sunday.

  Why was I thinking about him anyway? Snap out of it, Emma!

I whirl around and see Ryder smirking at me. I smiled before I gave him a peck on the lips. Yes, now we were on lip terms. It felt good.

I was also glad he was patient with waiting until I was ready. He started out very gentle at first before it became a regular thing. I did it once or twice but now that I was comfortable with doing it anywhere, we did it on a regular basis.

I made that sound totally wrong. Oh, no, I was talking about kissing! Dirty minds people!

     "So, where's my baby going to now?" He cooed. Aww, he was so adorable. I smiled.

     "Um, Math! I hate it!" I grumbled.

     "Aww! I wish I was there with you, but unfortunately they pulled me out and placed me into Advanced Algebra." He kissed my forehead. "Don't worry about it! I got a surprise for you after math class!"

     "A surprise? What is it?" I like surprises but I'm a bit nosy when it does come to it.

     "Not telling you! That's why it's a surprise!" He sang after kissing me and running off. He's being very weird and adorable today. Weirdly adorable. That's nice. I finally close my locker and walk off to math class.

I walk into math class seeing Justin, Jacob, Josh, and Jason sitting in the middle section of the room. They don't have this class with me. Why are they here? Although for bad boys, I thought they'd take the back but as I looked over to the back, it was filled with goths and emos. Now I see why.

I didn't understand Goths and Emos. I heard stereotypes about them cutting themselves and wearing black all the time. I didn't know if it's true or not so I just decided to stay out of it all. I  don't like to judge without knowing someone's story first. I looked over to Justin's area, they all were staring at me. I immediately looked down and made my way to my seat.

Anyway, my seat was near the middle section where they were. So, I had math with Justin, Jacob, Josh and Jason. Wheee.... Big whoopie for me. Note the sarcasm.

I mean, I am familiar with Justin a bit but I never talked to his friends, except for that one time when I was at Justin' house. I never paid much attention to them. They didn't really come to class that much and they certainly weren't in this class. I was surprised to see them here. Did they switch classes?

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