Chapter 29: Secrets are out! Part 1!

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Previously on TBBM: Emma wakes up in Justin's room thinking of the worst scenarios. Justin jokes about them being intimate but Emma takes it seriously and breaks down crying. After finding out it was a joke, Emma tells Justin not to talk to her. Later on the day, Emma gets a text from Ryder telling her to meet him in ten minutes at Charlie's Cafe.


Emma's P.O.V

I take a cab to Charlie's Cafe and see Ryder sitting, drinking coffee through the glass window. I noticed his bruises were healed and his face was back to normal. I pay the cabman and walk into the cafe. Ryder waved me over to his table and I sat down.

     "Glad you could make it." Ryder said, dryly.

     "Yeah..." I said, unsure why he was acting this way.

     "Well, I need to talk to you."

     "Okay, what do you want to talk about?"

     "Uh, hold on. Jenny!" He called out before Jenny appeared and sat down to my right. What was she doing here?

     "Hi, Emma!" She smirked. I cringed slightly at her smile.

     "Hi, Jenny." I greeted. "Ryder, What is she doing here?"

     "Emma, I have a question, If you don't mind me asking?" Ryder asked, dodging my question.

     "Sure..." I trailed off.

     "Where were you last night?" He asked. That's the thing, I didn't know where I was last night. I don't remember. All I remember is waking up at Justin's house.

     "Um...I don't know." I said, unsure.

     "She's lying, Ryder! She should know where she was last night, since she was having so much fun!" Jenny crossed her arms over her chest.

     "Fun? I don't remember anything last night!" I retorted.

     "Stop lying, Emma! You damn well know you were with Justin last night!" Jenny said, angrily.

     "I was with Justin last night? No, I wasn't! I mean, I woke up at his house but I don't know how I got there." I blurted out.

     "You were at Justin's house?!" Ryder questioned, his anger clearly rising. Oops, I had forgot Ryder forbidden me to talk to Justin.

     "Yeah, but I don't know how I got there?"

     "I thought, I told you not to hang with him." He growled.

     "I know but I don't remember! I can't remember anything!" I shouted back at him. This seemed to take him by surprise and people's heads turned to us. I sink into my seat to avert the eyes burning a hole in my skin.

     "So, what do you remember?" He asked, this time more calmly. People soon turned back to their own business.

     "Ryder, don't fall in her trap, she's probably just lying to get you to believe her." Jenny interrupted.

     "Jenny! Shut up!" He retorted. Jenny pouted, crossing her hands over her chest.

     "I remember when I woke up yesterday morning and my parent's decided to let me stay home since I woke up late. I ate an apple and then I went to the doctor because I chipped a tooth." I stated. "Then walking home but that's a blur."

     "That's it! Do you remember anythin-"

     "She's lying! Stop believing her!" Jenny cut Ryder off.

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