Chapter 28: Hangover!

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Previously on TBBM: Emma gets drunk and runs and hide from Justin. Justin tries to find her, panicking. He finally finds her in his closet holding his guitar. He plays for her after nearly 3 years. He gives Emma his room to sleep in until Emma tell him he can sleep next to her. They create a barricade between them and dozes off to sleep.


Emma's P.O.V

My eyes opened due to a sharp pain from my head. It felt like someone took a huge mallet and hit me in the head with it. I clutched my head; where did this headache come from? I felt something heavy over me. I looked down to see an arm slung loosely over my waist.

   What did I do last night?  Did I do anything wrong? Oh god no! I couldn't!

I jumped up, trying to see whose arm it belonged to.  His face was face down into his pillow.

   Wait, this room is familiar.. 

I looked around seeing the same posters, his pictures, and his computer desk.

   Justin?!  Wait, did I do anything with Justin! Please be a no! I couldn't have...

I looked down to what I was wearing. A black and white Skater dress. Where was I last night? With Justin? Why can't I remember?!

I looked over to him on the bed. I clutch my head once again, due to the pain starting again. What time was it? I looked over to the alarm clock on his night stand, 11:30 am.

   What? OMG, I over slept! My parents are gonna kill me! I gotta go!   

I searched my pockets for my phone. Where's my phone? I searched around the room hoping I'd find it.

     "Think, Emma...where were you last?" I whispered to my self. I walked over to his closet. Should I go in there, I don't want to see anything I'll regret. Before I opened the door, I heard someone clear their throat behind me.

     "Looking for this?" He asked. I turned around to face him. He was holding my phone in his hand.

     "Yeah! What were you doing with it?" I scowled as I grabbed the phone from his hand.

     "You know, just looking?" He teased.

     "You went through my phone?!" I said, angrily. The pain was shooting back and forth.

     "Calm down... Sheesh!" He placed his hands up in surrender.

     "Whatever!" I growled and looked through my phone to see if I had any miss calls and text messages. I did. I sat down as I saw a message from mom.

    Last night?

I clicked on it.

   Where are you honey? Your dad and I came back but you weren't at home. -Mom

   I'm just staying over at a friends'. I'll be fine. -Emma

   Okay, Sweetheart. :) -Mom

    I didn't reply to her last night? So, Who did?  

     "Um...I did?" Justin's voice broke my thoughts.

     "Did I say that out loud?"


     "You told my mom that I was at a friends'. How dare you?!" I yelled. My head started to hurt.

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