Chapter 35: The Camping Trip! Part 2!

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Previously on TBBM: Justin's mom,Crystal,Emma,Stacy,alex and Justin are on their way to the camping ground. Justin takes Emma out for a walk to the trails but Crystal comes there interrupting their little moment. Justin gets irritated and stomps back to his room. Crystal speaks about her plans with Emma.


Emma's P.O.V

     "Should we do it? I mean I've never done this before.." I whisper.

     "It should be fine, I'll help you...It's not like you're going to do it alone..." He says.

     "But what if I make a mistake...?"

     "You won't! Come on..." He replies, signaling me to follow him.

     "Go ahead, Emma...I know it's your first time!" Stacy encourages me. Alex just nods.

Right now I am outside of Justin's room, 8 at night. Jacob, Stacy, Alex and I are planning on pulling a prank on Justin while he is sleeping. He brought some alcohol with him to make the trip "less painful" with us. I want to see his face when he wakes up when we are done. Jacob is trying to convince me to do this prank and I've never done a prank before so I am kinda afraid of messing it up. Crystal is by the fire with Amy so she doesn't know. I planned to tell her to join, but Jacob said to leave her out of it.

     "So what are we doing again?" I ask, quietly.

     "Okay so the plan is..." Jacob goes over the plan again with us, making sure not to leave out any details.

We all open the door quietly, giving a silent creaking noise. Jacob places his pointer finger on his lips signaling us to be quiet.

     "He is a heavy sleeper and with the alcohol, he won't be waking up soon but you can't be too sure..." Jacob says in his normal tone.

So the plan is to take the temporary hair dye and dye Justin's black hair blonde with blue and red streaks in them. The trick is he can't remove it without us giving him the hair dye remover, so it is almost like a permanent dye.

The second prank Jacob had was to pull his bed out to the lake so when he woke up, he'd have a surprise of a lifetime. Jacob said he got this idea from watching 'Parent Trap' when he was a kid. We mix the dye and give it to Stacy. When it comes to hair, she was born with the skills necessary to do it.

We walk next to Justin's bed surrounding him. His pillow hid half of his face and he is slightly drooling a bit. Stacy puts on her gloves and begins working on Justin's hair. After 10-15 minutes of dying Justin's hair, we decide to execute our second prank. Jacob and Alex take the head side of the bed while Stacy and I took his foot side.

I am slightly surprised that Justin doesn't wake up during any of this but I remember what Jacob said. But if he can sleep through this then he can probably sleep through a hurricane. We take a shortcut to the lake, hiding behind bushes and shrubs. We don't want the other campers to see what we are doing or else we'd get in trouble and violate the rules. Alex and Jacob walk in the lake, the water reaching up to their shins. Stacy and I only go in to our ankles.

We let go of Justin's bed after Jacob takes a picture to remember this moment forever. He smirks to himself as he pushes Justin's bed so it can float to the middle of the lake.

     "Is he going to be okay?" I hear myself suddenly ask.

     "Oh, Justin?! He'll be fine! Pissed? Maybe a little, but he'll be okay." Jacob laughs. We decide to go back to the fireside where everyone is gathered. I sit down next to Jacob and smile to Amy when she looks to me. Although I am a bit worried about Justin and now that Amy is here, smiling at me, a small guilt rises up from within.

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