Chapter 17: Am I A Bad Person?

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Ryder's P.O.V

It is a Thursday afternoon when I hear the doorbell ring downstairs. I shouted to my mom I would get it although she was in the kitchen downstairs. I run down the stairs and open the door to see Emma standing there looking around.

     "Um... Emma?" I ask. She turns to face me.

     "Oh, hey." She greets me with a confused and sad face.

     "Uh, what are you doing here?" I question. "How do you know where I live?"

     "One of your friends gave it to me. I'm sorry... Do you have a minute to talk?" She innocently asks.

     "Um, sure..." I reply, guiding her in.

     "Ryder, who's at the door?" My mom asks from the kitchen.

     "It's one of my friends mom!!" I respond. I lead Emma into the living room before we sat down on the couch.

     "Your friend?" My mom asks, coming out of the kitchen; wiping her hands. She spots Emma and raises an eyebrow at me. "A friend? She's a girl!" My mom squeals, looking at Emma excitedly.

     "Mom! Yes, she's a girl!" I reply. Emma smiles at my mother, and looks over to me. I know, I didn't tell my mother, she's my girlfriend yet.

     "She's so pretty!" My mom said, sitting down next to Emma.

     "I'm very aware of that!" I answer, chuckling.

     "Hi... I'm Emma." Emma finally introduces herself after sitting there in silence. "Ryder's Girlfriend..." She finishes.

     "So, you say, she's just a friend?" My mom questions, curiously. Did my mom just quote Austin Mahone?! What kind of world am I in?! I stood there awkwardly just watching them talk.

     "Uh-hem!" I clear my throat. They look up from their conversation. "Emma, didn't you want to talk about something?"

I really hope she's not breaking up with me, I mean when someone says they need to talk, it's usually bad news.

     "Uh, yeah...I'm sorry...We'll talk another time." Emma told my mom, smiling.

     "Can you stay for dinner?" My mom asks.

     "Sorry, I have to go finish an assignment. It's very important." Emma said, sympathy flashing in her eyes. My mom nodded, understanding and went back into the kitchen to prepare dinner.

     "So, what you wanna talk about?" I ask taking a seat beside her. I grab her hand and give it a squeeze.

     "I wanted to ask you if you'll help me with a project.. The thing is...Justin kind of ditched me..." Her voice went soft. That's it?! That's what she wanted to talk about? I thought she was going to drop the Break-up bomb... Well it's better than that!

     "Of course, I'll help you but why did Justin ditch you?" I ask. I really hated the guy... I mean it's kind of good news, he ditched her. At least, I won't have to worry about him taking her away from me.

     "I don't know, he just sounded irritated and hung up on me after telling me, I'm on my own for this project. I don't know what I did? I have only today or just tonight to complete it." She said, leaning her head into my chest. "I tried to get it done the past two days. I collected the notes but there's so much more to do."

     " No problem..." I reply. "We'll get it done."

     "Ryder?" She asks.

     "Hmm?" I answer, now resting my chin on her head.

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