Chapter 36: Just another day at School!

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Previously on TBBM: Emma and Justin go on a camping trip together, along with Crystal, Stacy, Alex, Jacob and Justin's mom. After bonding on the camping trip Emma goes home to relax before school starts the next morning.


Justin's P.O.V

"You have all the bags Justin?" My mom bellowed from the front door. I was grabbing all the bags from the trunk as I made my way up the driveway.

"Yes Mom!" I replied. She nodded before turning the lock and opening the door to go in. She held the door open as I made my way into the living room dropping on the bags on the floor. I left out a huge breath of exhaustion before Crystal appeared in the doorway.

"Sorry, I was just saying goodbye to Jacob. He is so cool!" She smiled.

"Yeah I know, that's why he's my friend!" I said out of annoyance to her. Her smile turned into a frown before grabbing her bag and making her way upstairs to her room. I looked around to see if my dad was around but he was no where in sight. He probably went to the bar again. The business was really tearing him apart.

I hated my father a lot but sometimes I just felt bad for the guy. He was managing the business alone and everything seemed to be falling through. It was not such a good thing for him and he took it out on himself by drinking. My mother came into the living room drinking a bottle of water.

"Justin. Go freshen up while I get dinner started. You have school tomorrow." She smiled before returning to the kitchen.

I grabbed my bag and headed up to my room. I walked into my bathroom turning on the hot water shower faucets. I left it steam a bit before I stepped in. I took the time to scrub off the dirt on my skin that had got on me during the camping trip. After my 15 minute shower, I grabbed my gray boxers along with my navy blue shorts and my gray v-neck shirt.

I walked downstairs into the kitchen seeing my mom setting the table. She looked up to see me standing there.

"Can you go get Crystal? She didn't come down yet?" My mom said before going back to her task.

I sighed as I made my way upstairs again to Crystal's room. I knocked on her door. No answer. I knocked again, this time calling her name. No answer. I pushed the door open. The lights were off so I flicked them on. I saw Crystal in her bed sleeping. I turned to flick the light off and back out the room, when I heard a slight groan.

"Justin?" Crystal questioned. I turned to face her. She looked at me before she rubbed her eyes blinking a few times. I stood as still as I could be and watched her not saying anything.

"What are you doing here?" She asked again.

"My mom asked me to get you for Dinner..." I finally said.


I turned to leave.

"Wait..Can we talk about today?" She asked which stopped me in my tracks. I didn't turn to face her though.

"Dinner's ready. Just come down when you're ready.." I said before closing her door and going back downstairs.


_Two days later_

Emma's P.O.V

"What do you have first?!" He smiled at me.

Stacy and Alex were walking in front of us. Alex's arm was hung over Stacy's shoulder. They looked adorable together.

"Come on guys! Stop walking so slow!!" Stacy shouted at us.

"We're enjoying the moment!" Justin yelled back. I chuckled at their argument. His arm was wrapped around my neck as we walked into the school building. People were staring but I learnt to ignore the eyes as they followed our every move. Justin, the Bad boy was walking in school with the nerdy good girl, what a shock?

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