Chapter 30: Secrets are out! Part 2

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Previously on TBBM: Emma goes to meet Ryder at Charlie's Cafe. Ryder asks her, where she was? Emma doesn't remember anything about last night. She tells Ryder what she knows and calls Justin to tell the rest. Justin exposes Ryder of being a player and cheating on Emma, including selling drugs.


Emma's P.O.V

"Now, about that drugs situation!" Justin teased Ryder.

Drugs? Ryder doesn't deal with drugs.

You just found out, he cheated on you. I think, it's possible!

I hate when you always do this.

Just saying, besides I'm not the one talking to myself.

"Shut the hell up, Justin!" Ryder shouted at Justin. Their shouting brought me back to reality. Justin just kept smirking, not bothered by Ryder's anger. "Don't listen to him Emma, he's making up stories, just to get us to break up."

"Ryder, I thought you wanted to break up with me... You just walked out saying you wanted me to go away..." I trailed off.

"No...I mean...Yes I did, but now...I still want to be with you..." Ryder replied.

"What do you want, Ryder? You're talking one thing and then another...I'm so confused?" I responded.

"Emma! He's just trying to cover up his mistakes! Don't believe him!" Justin jumped in.

"How do I know you're not lying either?!" I yelled. "All of this drama is confusing me..."

"Yeah, Justin! How do we know, you're not lying about a certain plan?" Ryder gained his confident composure again. I looked over to Justin. He looked guilty.

"Plan?" I asked, confused by everything. "What plan?"

"Yeah, Justin. You didn't think I knew, did you? Why don't you tell Emma all about your little plan you created for her."

"Justin?" I asked. " What plan is Ryder talking about?"

"Uh, Emma. I can explain." Justin said, a little too quickly.

"Manning, here, created a plan where you would start to like him. When you do like him, he planned to used you then throw you away like all the other girls, he slept with. It was a plan made for you to be humiliated because of you rejecting him!" Ryder answered, smirking.

"Is... Is- Is.. that- t-true, Justin?" I stuttered, in disbelief as I turn to face him.

All this time, while he was trying to be my friend, he only did it so he could use me? And I thought, I was actually falling for him.

No, Emma, you already fell for him.

It was all lies! Just lies after more lies!

"Emma, at first, but after getting to know you, I cancelled it." Justin blurted out.

"Sure, you did. How are we so sure you didn't send those guys to rape her, just so you could come in looking like a hero?" Ryder scoffed. Justin shot Ryder a death glare.

"Sanders. You're really testing my patience." Justin growled. "Emma, look, I was determined to go through the plan but after seeing what you were really like, I didn't want to go through the plan anymore. And I didn't send those guys to rape you. I would never do something so abominable!"

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