Chapter 14: Will you go out with Me?

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Justin's P.O.V

I drive past a trembling girl wearing shorts and a white blouse with a coral cardigan. Wait, wasn't Emma wearing the exact same thing? I back up and see a shivering Emma. What is she doing walking home? Couldn't she have called her brother or parents to pick her up? It was pouring heavily now, she's going to catch a cold.

     "Emma?" I question as I take my helmet off to look at her properly. The water droplets roll down her cheek as she stands there staring at me, confused. Even in the rain, she looks cute. Her hair was plastered on her face. I wanted to take my hand and stroke it back behind her ear but I know she would just slap my hand away.

  Snap out of it Justin! Don't fall for her.

     "Yeah." She answers, in her innocent voice.

     "Do you want a ride home?"

     "No, I'm gonna walk." She refuses.

     "Are you sure? You're trembling! Come on, I'll drive you home." I offer.

     "No thanks. I'm okay." She replies.

  Man, this girl was so stubborn.

     "No, it's okay. I can drive you home!" I offer again.

She continues to walk. I drive up a little to keep up with her. She just isn't going to listen, is she? I grab her hand and swing her around to face me. This reminds me of the first time I swung her into me. She nods, grabbing the helmet I offer her. I could tell she knew I wasn't going to give up. Justin Manning never gives up!

     "Here, let me." I get off my motorcycle, putting the stand down to prevent it from falling over. I take off my jacket and drape it over her shoulders. Even standing there in the rain with my over sized jacket draped over her, she looks adorable. I catch her staring at me and a little smile forms. What is this girl doing to me? I never felt this way for any girl until I met her.

     "Thanks." She says, shivering. I nod and pull her on the motorcycle before her hand grasps my torso. I drive off in the direction of her house. The rain beats my skin as I drive with speed down the road. My white v-neck shirt plasters itself onto my skin, the outlines of my muscles showing as the shirt became see through. When I finally reach her house, she hops off and hands me my jacket, I throw it on feeling slightly warmer as I smile.

     "Thanks for the ride." She thanks me again.

     "It's fine."

     "I'm sorry. You must have been cold driving all the way here." She apologizes with her blue puppy eyes.

     "It was worth it." I smile. She gently laughs it off before going up her front porch. She bids goodbye to me before I drive off.


I drop my north-face book bag on the floor as I walk up the stairs in my soaked combat boots leaving a trail of puddles. Once I get into my room, I take off my jacket and hang it in my bathroom for it to dry off before I pull off my soaked white shirt. I decide to take a shower because right now I just smell like a wet puppy. After finishing my hot shower, I throw some black jeans on and just as I am about to throw on a blue shirt, the doorbell rings.

I wonder who would be ringing my doorbell now? Mom wasn't home now, she was at a friend's place for the day and dad is at the office. I walk downstairs as the person gets impatient and starts to ring the doorbell every 3 seconds.

     "Hold on!" I loudly answer as I walk up to the door and unlock it. There she was. The girl who I really didn't want anything to do with right now. Anytime I didn't want her around, she'd just show up.

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