Chapter 24: To the rescue!

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Important (A/N) At the end! Please read! Thank you!


Previously on TBBM: Emma helps out at the committee. Ryder and Justin had a fight. Emma finds out that Stacy and Alex like each other. Stacy and Emma are getting ready for the ball when she gets a dress from a mysterious stranger or is it?


Emma's P.O.V

Stacy was doing my hair, curling it to perfection. Her hair and make up was already finished thirty minutes ago; she seemed professional at this. I leaned my head away from the curling iron, afraid I might get burnt. The last thing I need is my hair or scalp burnt.

     "Stop flinching! I'm not going to burn you!" Stacy scolded.

     "Well, I'm not sure! You might accidentally... I don't know."

     "Whatever! I'm a professional, Okay!" She smiled.

     "Yeah! Yeah!" I scoffed.

Once my hair was done, she got started on my make up which was very light. She just applied some silver with a dash of white for my eye shadow. She finished doing my eyeliner and mascara in a minute. Maybe, she was professional?

When she finished, I stood up and made my way to the mirror. Was the girl is the mirror really me? I look really different. The eye shadow really made my blue eyes pop. My cheeks were a light pink. The dress matched my shoes. Everything was perfect. Stacy came and stood beside me.

     "You look beautiful, Emma!" She complimented.

     "You look amazing too!" I smiled. We picked up our little purses as the doorbell rang.

     "I'm soo excited for this dance!" Stacy squealed.

     "Of course you are.... Since you and Alex are an item now! I still can't believe my two best friends are dating!" I replied, excitedly. She rolled her eyes in annoyance before I laughed.

We climbed down the stairs, me walking slowly because of these 5" death traps Stacy gave me. I don't walk in thin heels, I always wore wedges, not pumps but these shoes went with the dress. Not really a choice.

Jordan was in the kitchen, giving him the chance to open the door. He was kinda okay with Ryder taking me to the dance. I had told him and my parents about what happened on Friday when they finally noticed the mark on my face.

They didn't like the fact that Ryder slapped me and my dad got furious. My mom rubbed ointment on it to help it heal faster. Jordan opened the door revealing Ryder. He was wearing a black suit with a rose in his pocket, I had to admit; he looked amazingly hot. Alex was beside him wearing the same thing except without the rose, it was replaced with a red handkerchief.

Stacy was giggling happily beside me. I looked over to Ryder as our eyes met and he gave me a smile. I walked over to him smiling. Stacy literally jumped on Alex giving him a big kiss on the lips. It was great and all to see my two best friends together and happy but they didn't need to get all kissy kissy in public like that!

So I know Ryder and I do it but it's just a peck on the lips not a big wet,well you get the point.

     "You look incredible!" He smiled. I couldn't help but to blushed at his words.

     "Okay... Enough with the eyes staring and kissing... Just get to the dance! No drinking or sex! And no physical abuse!!" Jordan's words knocked me back to reality. He sent a glare at Ryder before I sent him a glare back. We walk out to the car.

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