Chapter 37: Darkness

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Previously on TBBM: Emma and Justin are great friends now. Emma works up the courage to go and talk to Ryder which gets her mad due to his attitude. After running an errand for her mom, Emma gets thrown into a van with two unknown guys.


Justin's P.O.V

    Where are you? -Justin

I texted Emma. I waited for 5 minutes before I texted her again.

    Are you ignoring me because of what happened today? -Justin 

Another five minutes.

  Where was she? 

I tried dialing Stacy and Alex number to check if she's with them but their cells were not reachable. I know she wouldn't avoid my texts for so long. I've been texting her for the past hour and a half.

I shoved my phone into my pocket as I grabbed my jacket and headed out the door. I drove to Stacy's house first. As I stopped the bike and took off my helmet, Stacy opened her door with Alex trailing behind her. Her gaze reached mine before she pulled a confused face at me. They walked up to me.

     "Justin?" Stacy asked. "What are you doing here?"

     "Have you seen Emma?" The words left my mouth quickly.

     "Why? What's wrong?" She questioned.

     "I texted her a hour and a half ago. She didn't reply." I replied.

     "Maybe, she's busy? Did you try calling her?" Alex intervened

     "Yeah, no answer.." I responded.

     "That's really weird... She usually answers her phone." Stacy said. Stacy tried calling her but hung up shaking her head no, signaling no success.

      "So what's happening? Where can she be? I hope she's okay?" I panicked a bit.

     "Justin Manning, are you worried?" Stacy teased me.

     "Stacy, now is not the time to tease me. We don't know where she is?" I replied. Alex nodded.

     "Let's go check her house." Alex said. Stacy and Alex took her mom's car and I took my bike. We drove to Emma's house to find no one there, not even her parents or her brother.

     "She's usually home too.. She doesn't like to stay out late by herself..." Stacy said.

I was really worrying now.

     "Let's call her parents! Maybe she's with them." I suggested. They nodded. After a long and concerned conversation with Emma's Parents, they told Stacy they'd be meeting up with us.

Ryder's P.O.V

I didn't pay attention to anyone or anything around me today. I just wanted to get out and hide. John was really after me for swindling him. It's been two weeks and I've been hiding out at school or even missing a few days and staying home. I got his messages threatening me and I was a wreck.

I was sweating bullets when John texted me saying, he got something for me. I didn't know what that meant. Was he going to kill me and bury my body? It would be something he would do...

  What have I gotten myself into? 

My phone rang. I looked at the caller ID, John. I hesitated and picked up the phone.

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