Chapter 3: I don't like you! Why don't you get it?

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Emma's P.O.V

As he pulls me into himself, I look up into his dark blue eyes. How can someone so arrogant have such beautiful and innocent looking eyes? He stares back into my own and as I realize what I am doing, I look away. The ground suddenly seems quite interesting to me.

     "What are you doing?" I ask, nervously, still in his grasp. Why am I allowing him to hold me? I think about moving out of his grasp but something about his body being so close to mine makes me freeze in place. Justin takes his hand and lifts my chin to face him. I look at him, thinking of all the possible bad things he could do to me. Is he going to threaten me? I don't know what he's capable of. What if he kidnaps me and calls his gang members to kill me? No, that couldn't happen? He isn't in a gang? Is he?! My nervousness grows as he looks at me, smirking.

     "What are you thinking?" He whispers, in a husky voice.

     "Uh.. Erm... Not.." I can't manage to say a word. The way he looks at me, makes my voice stay in my throat. I can't get anything out. Why does he have this effect on me? I despise him.

     "I can tell I make you nervous. It's obvious you like me. What's not to like?" He whispers again, this time, inches away from my face.

     "I don't understand why you can't get it through your brain. Not everyone likes you. Never had rejection before?" I finally manage to say, giving us some distance from each other. He is clearly pissing me off. Justin looks at me grinning, stepping closer to me. I glare at him for a few seconds before I realize his face inching closer to mine.

As soon as I realize what he is doing, I push him away and he stumbles backward. He looks up baffled as he catches his balance.

     "I don't like you! Why don't you get it?" I shout. I stare at him. My eyes wide, filled with disbelief.

Did he really try to kiss me? Why can't he get it through his head that I am not interested. He almost took my first kiss. I'm not going to give my first kiss to the biggest player at Springfield High. He's known for playing with girl's hearts. What made him think I was going to allow this? I will never kiss him. I am not planning on becoming one of those naive girls, whose heart, he plays with.

     "I am usually the one giving out rejections. Not the one taking it. You'll come around. I can tell you like me. You're just in denial." He muses. "Lots of girls ask for a moment like this. It wouldn't surprise me if you change your mind."

     "There's always a first for everything. I tell you I don't like you and you think I'm in denial?" I gently laugh. "You are crazy. Get this through your head, I will never ever in my life ever kiss you. Trust me, my lips won't be meeting yours in any of your lifetimes." I rudely say to him, backing away. He laughs and shrugs it off.

     "We'll see, Emma Chambers!" He smirks. "I guarantee you'll be back."

I watch him as he walks away, a confident smile plastered on my face. Why the confident face? Because I knew that I wasn't ever going to kiss Justin Manning. And he won't see anything because it wasn't going to ever happen. I run up my steps and unlock my door to find my brother staring at me with his arms crossed.

Justin's P.O.V

She turns to walk up her porch when I grab her hand and pull her back into me. I am not letting this go so easily. Her head bumps into my chest hard but I don't feel the pain. I am known to be quite muscular. Girls are all over me, it's no surprise; I'm hot and they just can't help themselves. I stare into her eyes as she stares back into mine. I know that she is the only girl that doesn't like me, and somehow that bothers me. I hate the way she acts. She's on a high horse and too up tight. I have to make her like me just so I can put her down. Have her ego destroyed.

Emma Chambers is someone who acts perfect. There has to be something that breaks her. She isn't exactly the easiest to talk to. I have noticed her but her uptight, perky attitude easily makes her a target for everyone's gossip. She's so reserved and closed off to everyone except for her only two friends. I think their names are Macy and Aaron, right? Today, when she bumped into me, I knew I had to get to know her despite her behavior. I am going to break her spirit. Show everyone that I can have anything I want. Justin Manning can have any girl he wants.

Most of all, I want her to know what pain feels like or what it feels like to believe something and to have it not turn out the way you thought it would. Not everything in life is peachy. All these girls think I have something wrong with me. I love the thrill of having different girls at my side every week. Though all of them want to tame me or fix me. There is nothing to fix yet they still try. They should know it isn't going to happen.

I love the way I am. I am happy with what I do even if some people don't approve but I don't ask anyone for permission. Trust is something I rarely give either. No, it's not trust issues. I give my trust to people worthy of it. My three mates; Jason, Jacob, and Josh are my best mates and they've earned my trust. So have my mother. The only one who understands and love me despite my flaws.

     "What are you doing?" I hear her ask, nervously. I lift her chin after she looks away. I could see her thinking about something but I can't figure it out. She's no different than any other girl. They melt under my touch.

     "What are you thinking?" I ask in a whisper. Her face mere inches away from mine.

     "Uhh... Erm.. Not...." She barely speaks. She can't even get a word out.

     "I can tell I make you nervous. It's obvious you like me. What's not to like?" I muse. With our faces inches apart, my eyes flicker to her lips. She must've noticed the space closing between us because she steps back putting distance between us.

     "I don't understand why you can't get it through your brain. Not everyone likes you. Never had rejection before?" I look at her, grinning. I step closer to her. Everyone may not like me but I am not talking about everyone. I could care less what people think about me. My eyes flicker to her lips again. She might think otherwise if I kiss her. I lean in before I feel two hands shove me back causing me to stumble backwards. I finally catch myself and look up at her, baffled by her actions.

     "I don't like you! Why don't you get it?" She shouts. she stares at me with her eyes wide. I can see she is thinking again. What is she thinking about? I can sense the anger radiating off of her. I am starting to get on her nerves. At any moment she can punch me but I doubt she can fight or even think of fighting. She's a good girl.

     "I am usually the one giving out rejections. Not the one taking it. You'll come around. I can tell you like me. You're just in denial." I tease. "Lots of girls ask for a moment like this. It wouldn't surprise me if you change your mind."

   "There's always a first for everything. I tell you I don't like you and you think I'm in denial?" She chuckles. "You are crazy. Get this through your head, I will never ever in my life ever kiss you. Trust me, my lips won't be meeting yours in any of your lifetimes." She replies, rudely.

I laugh and shrug it off. It doesn't matter because girls tend to say things and still end up doing it later. I know that she will eventually come back to me. It's no surprise, girls don't hesitate to any of my demands. This one is just going to be a bit harder, but I like a challenge.

     "We'll see, Emma Chambers!" I smirk at her. "I guarantee you'll be back." I begin to walk in the direction of my house. I left my bike two block away from hers. I'll be sure to pick it up in the morning. I look back, seeing her run up the stairs, pull out her keys and unlock her front door. I turn around again and continue to walk in the direction of my house. These next few days are going to be fun.



An Emma Point of view and a Justin's Point of view! Vote and comment! It helps a lot! This chapter has been edited, 4.27.17 for the 2016 Wattys.

If you see something out of the ordinary. Bare with me. Hope you are enjoying the book so far. :)


Love ya, Always - Kristen.Kingsley

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