Chapter 8: Goody Two shoes Skipping Detention!

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Justin's P.O.V

I watch as Emma gets up from her seat and walk out the door. Ms. Gomes continues to read as I just sit here and look around to think of ways to sneak out. I am not going to stay in detention all afternoon. I've got more important things to do than this. I slowly slide off my chair, constantly looking over to Ms.Gomes to see if she's looking. She isn't, she is too busy reading her book. 


I shake my head at the thought. I walk over and sit behind Emma's chair. I call out to Ms. Gomes.

     "Hey, Ms. Gomes. Is it okay if I go and drink water?" I try to act polite so she would let me go.

     "Emma is out so can you wait until she comes back?" She asks in a strict tone. I knew Ms.Gomes favors Emma. Ugh, the perks of being a goody two shoes.

I heard their conversation. How Ms.Gomes suddenly softened up when she found Emma sitting in detention. I tried to play it off like I didn't hear anything and walked straight to the back of the class but I heard everything.

     "Uh, Ms. Gomes, I have a throat condition where I have to drink water when I'm thirsty or my throat becomes dried up and It pains like crap!" I say, over exaggerating. Ms.Gomes grins a little.

What is she grinning about? This can be a serious condition.

     "Oh, really? Wow, than it must suck." I nod my head. "I'm sure you can handle the pain, bad boy. That's what everyone calls you or has you labelled as, right?" She exclaims, gently chuckling at her attempt of a joke. Ugh, it didn't work. Okay, Plan B, time to sneak out. I remember I had my phone on me. I pull it out as I text Jason.

  Jason, get the boys and bail me out of detention, just create a distraction. -Justin

  Okay Man, we'll be right there!

A text comes back.

Ms.Gomes looks up as I quickly shove my phone in my pocket. Damn, I forgot to put it on silent. She raises an eyebrow at me as I sink into my seat to play it off cool.

It isn't one minute later when my boys pull up to the school. I walk over to the window casually to see them standing there smiling when I give them a nod. Did they get here on turbo boost? That was fast. I send them the signal to get ready. I sit back down in my seat waiting to see what their plan is. Ms. Gomes phone begins to ring.

She searches her purse until she finds it and answers. She looks over to me as I stare back. She goes to a corner where I can't be able to hear her convo. I slowly walk over to the door and slip out. I run down the hall and down the steps to see Emma. Wow, I never realized that the steps from the forth floor to the second was a long way down. You learn something new everyday.

The third floor, the school had decided to make tall in length because they had projects of different classes on this floor.  It stretched a long way and made the second floor farther down. The school hadn't developed yet that much those years and I guess it stuck that way. I call out to her upon spotting her.

     "Emma! Want to-- g-- go grab a bite-- to eat? " I ask in between gasping for air after I ran down stopping right in front of her.

She looks at me annoyed. Man, this girl really doesn't want me around me, I could tell but I knew I had to make her like me somehow. That and I honestly didn't care. The idea of taking her somewhere where I could get her alone and get to know her, making her think that I'm interested should make her fall for me.

     "Not interested..." She replies, being straight forward. "And besides how did you get out of detention? Ms.Gomes wouldn't allow you?" She asks, continuing to walk down.

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