Chapter 5: But I didn't start it!

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Emma's P.O.V Continued

Lunch is sadly over and I decide to head back to class with my friends. It's last period and I have Biology again. Ugh. Don't get me wrong, I love Biology but Biology with Justin? I am not loving the idea. I wonder if we have to work on the project in class? 

I didn't want to do this project with Justin. The sight of him makes my blood boil. His sarcastic remarks, the smirks, the cockiness that came with him. It's overwhelming to have to do this project let alone working on it with Justin. This project is going to be doomed. I don't see why Mr. Brown had to partner me up with him! I suddenly feel a sense of hate towards Mr. Brown for this. I wasn't the type of person to hate people even for the smallest thing, but thinking of Justin and being around his attitude, it affected my thoughts and emotions. I know he shouldn't be able to influence me but I don't know why I am really getting influenced by his presence.  I look up at the board and copy the notes Mr. Brown has written on the board, ignoring the emotions I felt towards him.

     "Hello!" He cheerfully greets the class. "Today, we are starting our project in class. I'm starting in class for two reasons. One, you can get a boost when you continue it over the weekend. Two, I can give some advice in regards to your project if you need any. Okay? Let's get started!" He bellows.

   Oh great, just what I need. Note the sarcasm.

I look around to find Justin no where.

Great he's not here. Maybe, I can just work on it myself.

I raise my hand slowly.

     "Yes, Emma? How can I help you?" Mr.Brown asks once he notices my hand.

     "Um.. My partner is not here to work on it with me..." I say, putting my hand down slowly.

     "Ooh! I didn't realize... Umm I guess you can go on ahe-" He is interrupted as the classroom door opens with a bang. Everyone's eyes shift to the door as Justin walks in. Oh, no.

     "Oh, Mr. Manning, you're here! Great, now you and Emma can work together. And next time, please don't slam the door like that." Mr. Brown says, warning him.

     "Yeah. Yeah. I get it! Don't do this, Don't do that. Whatever!" He replies, raising his voice. He walks over to his seat with a scowl on his face. He seems to be in a bad mood. What happened between him and that girl? Did she blow him off once she realized what he was up to?

     "Mr. Manning. I recommend you mind your tone! You don't want to get another detention slip." Mr. Brown says, sternly. I watch as Justin continues to talk back to Mr. Brown along with the rest of the class who stops focusing on their projects to watch their conversation.

     "Mr.Manning. Mind your language!" Mr. Brown raises his voice, earning my attention again.

     "I don't need to... It's called freedom of speech, dickhead. Who are you to tell me what to do? You're just a fucking teacher. Low paid bottom feeder teacher. You just sit behind a desk and pass orders. Only because you earned a degree doesn't make you superior to me!" Justin yells back.

I can see him getting angry. His jaw clenches tighter.

  I can't believe you can say that to a teacher. You can't say that to a teacher, although he does have a point. No, what am I thinking?

I can never disrespect a teacher like that. I notice his hand threatening to fold into a fist. It was like he's contemplating whether or not to hit Mr. Brown.

     "That's it! You're going to the principal's office and you have detention." Mr. Brown orders.

     "That's great! It's not a new thing anyway, you piece of shit!" Justin shouts back before he un-clenches his fists. I look at Justin as he picks up his stuff from the floor.

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