Chapter 33: Do you wanna come along?

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Previously on TBBM: As Ryder was about to choose Emma for a new project in English class, Justin comes to her rescue. Emma realizes that she is falling for Justin. Emma then tells her parents that she broke up with Ryder after holding it off for too long. Ryder gets a call from John asking him for his money!


Ryder's P.O.V

    "What am I going to do?! How do I get 1 grand in five days?!" I panicked pacing back and forth in my room. "John is probably gonna kill me if I don't have his money in five days time? I'm too young to die!"

I sat down on my bed thinking what to do. If I was going to get John's money back then I'd have to do something...But what?

Justin's P.O.V

     "Here we go!!" I said smiling. Emma released her grip around my torso as she got off the motorcycle. She took off her helmet and handed it to me. I easily strapped the helmet onto the handle. I've been driving Emma home from school everyday, since Ryder kept his eyes on her just waiting for a chance to get to talk to her.

     "Thank you for dropping me home...again!" Emma smiled.

     "It's okay! It's what friends do? Right?!" I laughed.

     "Yeah...Friends." She said. My phone suddenly rang in my pocket. I pulled it out to see Crystal's number.

     "Hold on Emma, I have to take this, Don't move!' I said sternly. I clicked accept. "Hello."

     "Justin!! Aunt Amy said we're going on a camping trip tomorrow to Ocean Pond Camping ground! The one in Olustee, the one where we used to go during the summer, in Osceola National Forest!" Crystal said excitedly.

     "Yeah I remember. Maybe you guys should go...I think I might stay home." I said worried about Emma.

     "Why...?? I know who you're thinking about! Why don't you bring your little girlfriend along?!" She teased. I got off my my bike and excused myself so Emma wouldn't hear what Crystal was saying.

     "She's not my girlfriend!" I whisper shouted through the phone.

     "Right?!" She laughed. "You should atleast ask her if she's interested in going?!"

Should I ask Emma along? I mean, I don't think she's doing anything this weekend? Will she say yes? What if she says no?

     "Don't think too much! Ask her!" Crystal's loud voice broke me from my thoughts. Did she read thoughts too?

     "Talk to you later Crystal!" I said ending the call. I turned and walked back to Emma.

     "Back from your interesting call!" Emma laughed.

     "Yeah, Crystal actually called to tell me that we're going on a camping trip tomorrow." I trailed off.

     "Really? That's nice..." Emma said.

     "Well, I was also wondering....I mean Crystal wanted to ask if you wanted to come along for tomorrow...?" I asked her.

     "Really..? I thought she hated me?"

     "No. She actually got nice...Even I'm surprised!" I chuckled. "Well, Would you like to go...?"

     "Um...I don't know..."

     "Why not?" My smile faded.

     "I don't know how to swim and I never actually went camping...before.." Emma looked down fiddling with her fingers.

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