Chapter 34: The Camping Trip! Part 1!

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Previously on TBBM: Justin invites Emma to go on a camping trip with him and his family. Emma invites her friends along for the trip. Jordan gets upset that Emma is friends with Justin. Emma's parents let her go on the trip and she packs up going to sleep, excitely waiting for it.


Emma's P.O.V

My alarm went off playing, 'Just the Girl' by Click five. I pulled my covers off my body and glanced at the clock before going to the bathroom. It was only 6:30 am. Justin and his family were planning to leave until 9:00am which meant that I had 2 hours and a half to get ready. I took a 15 minute steaming shower, washing my blonde hair.

When I finished, I grabbed my towel and wrapped my hair in it. I made my way to my closet picking out a pink plaid blouse and my black stretch skinny jeans. I slipped them on and sprayed some perfume on. I, then unwrapped the towel from my head and blowdried my hair. I decided to go with straight hair for today.

As my hair fell in place, I glanced over to the time, seeing it was 8:00; I pulled on my black wedges with the rhinestones on it. I grabbed my small duffel bag and phone as I made my way downstairs. My mom was already in the kitchen making breakfast. Her eyes made its' way in my direction.

     "Hmm..Someone's looking pretty!" She said causing my dad's head to life up from drinking his coffee and look over to me.

    "Stop it mom! It's my first camping trip!" I laughed.

     "You make sure to be careful! There are lots of bugs in the forest, did you pack bug repellent. What about a flashlight incase any emergencies!" My dad said concerned.

     "Dad, I'm pretty sure there will be other people. It's a camping ground but don't worry, I got it covered!" I smiled. He nodded and went back to drinking his coffee. I sat down on one of the stools leaning on the island. "So What's for Breakfast?"

     "I made bacon and eggs, if you don't feel like eating those I also made pancakes and a breakfast burrito!" My mom beamed.

     "I'll take Bacon and eggs along with a breakfast burrito!" I beamed back.

     "Okay! So what time are they leaving?" Mom asked grabbing a plate and filling my plate with bacon and eggs with my breakfast burrito.

     "They are leaving at 9:00. It's 8:25 right now so the next 30- 35 minutes." I answered. She passed me the plate as I took my fork and began with the eggs.

     "Hey! Slow down! Breakfast is not running away!" My mom laughed.

     "Mom, I am going to miss your cooking, I might as well enjoy it now!" I laughed stuffing my face.

     "Oh  okay!" She laughed.

     "What are you guys laughing about?" Jordan's voice made me jump slightly. I turned to see him coming down the stairs making his way into the kitchen.

     "Emma is just talking about missing my cooking!" My mom answered.

     "What do you mean? She's not going anywhere?" His eyebrow arked slightly in confusion.

     "I'm going on the camping trip Jordan..." I said in monotone, obviously still mad at him.

     "Who said that?" He asked.

     "I asked mom and dad, they said yes..." I replied in monostone.

     "Mom, Dad? You're actually letting her go?!" He asked shocked. They both nodded. "What? I thought I told you, he's bad news! You guys don't listen to me!"

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