Chapter 11: What are you doing?!

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Justin's P.O.V

The sound of birds chirping woke me up. I sprawl out on my bed stretching as I rub my eyes. My eyes were blur as I walk to my bathroom. My vision cleared as it settled to the light, I was only in my briefs. I close the bathroom door behind me, letting out a yawn.

I take my brush and squeeze some toothpaste on it before placing it in my mouth to brush my teeth. I look at myself in the mirror. I was a handsome guy, how could Emma not realize this? She decided to go on a date with Ryder. Out of all people, Ryder? What did she see in him? He was just plain bad news.

I don't need her anyway, I could have any girl I want. She went on a date with Ryder after snapping at me. She doesn't know me, all she knows is I'm a bad boy. She don't know my life. She turned out to be a bitch just like all the other girls I slept with.

She thinks she knows about my family, my life, my problems; well, she doesn't! When I finally get to sleep with her, I'll leave her humiliated in front of the school and her friends. She doesn't have much, only Tracy and Rex, right? Whatever their names are! She'll be so humiliated that she'll start crying and won't be able to live it down. She'll be forced to leave Springfield High School forever. Beginning to think about what Emma said last night to me; I became more determined to do this. No girl had the courage to do this before and I wasn't going to just let this slide.

I smirk at myself as I finish brushing my teeth. I wash my face before grabbing some clothes to shower. The warm water massaged my back muscles as I thought of a way to execute my plan with Emma. I finish quickly because I had planned to go hang with my boys today. I don't have time to be spending at home.

Drying myself off, I grab my white shirt and threw it on along with my black jeans and black Vlados. I didn't grab my jacket because it was going to be warm out today. I run down the steps to see my mother in the kitchen. I open the fridge to grab some orange juice (OJ).

     "Hey, sweetheart, you're up early? Where are you going?" My mother inquires in her motherly tone.

     "Oh, I'm just going over to hang with Jason, Josh, and Jacob. I'll be home later." I reply, kissing her on the cheek as I walk out the kitchen.

     "Okay... Be home by 9:00pm, you have to be here when the Garcias' come over for dinner." She yells.

     "Okay, Mum!" I bellow, before I exited. I jump onto my bike, pressing the pedal to get it started. Melinda runs up to me as I sigh. Melinda lived only seven houses down from us, meaning it was only a 5-8 minute walk.

     "Hey, Justin...Where are you going?" She calls.

     "I gotta be somewhere, Mel!" I groan.

     "Why? Why do you always avoid me?"

     "Mel, I got to go!" I say, pressing the pedal one more time.

     "No, why do you always do this? That day at your school, you just grabbed my hand and pulled me out of there like I was an embarrassment! Why can't you see that I like you Justin..." She went on. "Why is it so hard for you to be seen with me, we used to be so close?"

     "I don't have time for this, Mel! I'll talk to you later. We're having dinner with you guys later, remember?"

I stomp on the pedal one more time making the engine roar. I roll the bike down the driveway into the street, driving off in the direction of Jason's house. I look back to see her face fall, she was cool but I just cannot get involve with her. I just didn't feel anything for her. She was a nice girl with a cool personality but she just wasn't my kind of girl. Bad boys don't fall in love. I have a reputation to keep up. Bad Boy's don't fall for good girls, they are bad, they never change. I turn my head back to face the road.

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